Its “A Scene That Will Never Die” in new animated video from The Natural Lines

The Natural Lines (formerly Matt Pond PA) have debuted “A Scene That Will Never Die,” the second single off the upcoming self-titled record.

Of the single, frontman Matt Pond says:

“The scene starts with me at the end of my rope on the east coast. At this point in late summer, I sent a text message to the love of my life — before she was the love of my life — to see if she’d like to sleep under the stars. She was performing on the opposite coast and stopped mid-show to respond. We did not go camping. But every ensuing message brought us closer and closer until we became an inseparable team. Until recent years, it was out of character for me to be openly grateful. And further, to appreciate the virtues of modern technology. I was better at destroying phones than using them as a proper tool. But I believe people — including me — are capable of change. We are capable of being better people. And we are even capable of love.”

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