Roll of the Dice: 8 Questions with Cardboard Box Colony

Roll of the Dice is a short interview format with a variable amount of questions. A Pair of dice is rolled and the total, between 2 and 12, is the amount of questions we can ask. All questions are given to the interviewee(s) at once, and no follow-ups are allowed. The interview may be lightly edited for content and clarity.

NC skatey-pop-punks have been winning over fans with their new twist on the classic sound. As the band prepares to drop their new split with , they joined TGEFM for the latest in our Roll of the Dice interview series to chat about who they are, the Asheville scene and what the future holds for the five-piece.

Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. Congrats in advance on the release of the split 7″ with The Deathbots. What can you tell us about Cardboard Box Colony for readers just discovering the band?

Thank you for having us! Cardboard Box Colony is a five-piece pop punk / skate punk band from Asheville, NC. The band plays regionally around the south east (US) with a loud & energetic live show.  You can find us on your favorite social media or streaming platform here:

What stood out most to you with this recording compared to the previous releases you’ve worked on?

These were the first songs since our debut EP that all of us were able to get in a room together to collaboratively write and record. Working (& sharing a drummer) with The Deathbots, we were able to completely self record this release among band members (engineered by Karl from The Deathbots & mixed by Tommy from Cardboard Box Colony / Clean Sheets Audio)

The world has been going through some shit over the last few years. What affect, if any, have the cultural and political landscapes of the last few years had on your music or the live scene in general?

I think the past few years & pandemic have impacted all of our personal lives in various ways from employment changes to loss of family members and everything in between. One positive take away is that the live music scene in Asheville seems to have flourished once shows began to start happening again. Seems like everyone had a year or two indoors to reflect on the cultural landscape & write new songs or start new projects & it’s led to a ton of great local bands and shows happening every week/weekend around town. 

What album or band or significant singles made you go “Yeah, this is what I want to do”  Not just an influence but who or what was the catalyst?

I think blink-182 is the stereotypical answer for someone my age. As a teenager, the catchy songs & dumb antics resonated with me & were the catalyst for starting to kind of learn guitar. In a more current context, rediscovering Propaghandi over the past few years has been the catalyst for wanting to be a better musician in this band. Chris Hannah’s unique guitar style has changed the way I approach chord structures in a lot of new songs we have been writing. Not to mention the lyrics are just as relevant as ever in 2023. 

What is it about music that you are most passionate about? What motivates you to keep writing?

Music is a huge part of daily life and routine for everyone. It can be a huge emotional stabilizer or outlet for various situations throughout life. When writing songs, I’m motivated to write music that carries emotion in a way that resonates with me in hopes that it sparks the same feeling in others.  

One of our obligatory questions in these interviews also tends to be the one I have found most important on a personal level. Who are some bands on your radar that TGEFM readers may not know about, but you think they should?

Tagging on to my answer from earlier, I’m gonna go with a bunch of great bands in the Asheville scene: The Deathbots (of course), Bonny Dagger, Busy Weather, Small Doses, Cloud City Caskets, John Kirby Jr & The New Seniors,  Kerosene Heights, Pinkeye, Snakesnakewhale, Fantomex, Camgirl, Rhinestone Pickup Truck, Call The Next Witness, Miami Gold, Ska City, The Half That Matters, Paper Pills & probably a bunch more that I’m an asshole for forgetting. 

Now that the world almost has its hands on The Deathbots split,, what’s next for Cardboard Box Colony?

We’ve been working on project with a friend from California that will be doing some guest vocals with us on a track or two… hopefully more info to come soon on that. We’ve also been continuing to demo for a full length album that we have been working on for awhile – I would like to tell you that will be coming soon as well but 2024 is probably more realistic. 

What do you wish I asked about or that you had more of an opportunity to speak about during this interview?

Our split EP with The Deathbots will be available on a white limited edition box/bot shaped 7″ record. You can get one at:

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