Album premiere: Da Beumb Project’s new LP “Fairly Consistent”

One thing I absolutely love about doing this, and part of the main reason I do so in the first place, is to discover new music. Of course, and to share it with others. Case in point: Four days ago I had never heard of . But after I came across their new single from their upcoming album, I fell in love, and scrambled to ask if there was a premiere or anything TGEFM could do to help boost the signal. And so…

TGEFM is super-excited to premiere the new LP Fairly Consistent by Montréal duo Da Beumb Project. That album drops this coming Friday, 01 Oct 2021(Bandcamp Friday, mind you), but you can take a crack at the whole thing right here, right now.

When I asked the band to give me a comment about the album, they had a lot to say:

This album was actually written in sequence. Which is odd, because there was no plan to even do another album at that time and there was no clear direction as to what we wanted to do musically. We wrote the first song “Rats is Rats” at the first jam we had, right after recording our previous album “Armwell to farms”. Which is kind of a nightmare, because between recording an album and releasing it, we usually tend to focus on NOT writing anything. We don’t like when projects overlap. But, after we had “Rats” in the can, we knew another album was unavoidable. So we started writing the rest of the songs right after “Armwell” was released. Everything we wrote just kind of came out of a feeling that we wanted to explore different variations of our sound. Which is not easy to do, being in a two-man band. We never believed that we should limit ourselves and with so many influences and a shared love of music, there’s always a sick groove, weird pattern or odd time signature that we want to try.

For the writing, we never structure our music in terms of what a song needs. It’s more of about the feeling we get while playing it. That probably explains why most of our songs are on the shorter side. Not just because we’re tired of hearing each other play (which can happen after over a decade of playing together), but mostly because we just don’t believe in overplaying a chorus or adding a bridge just because. Sometimes songs that drag, are a drag. So for example, if we’re playing a song and we feel like 37 seconds of it is enough, you get “Something about that day”. But before a song becomes a song, we like to play and record small things and see how they can go together with other things that we’ve recorded. Kind of like composing a Frankenstein’s monster of a song. But, it’s not always the case, not everything is a puzzle and some tracks are very straightforward, like “I want it”.

We recorded the album at Apartment 2 Recording in Ottawa, Ontario. Same place we did the last record. Once again, recorded, mixed and mastered by Topon Das (from the grindcore band Fuck the Facts). We recorded all the songs live off the floor in 2 days. Meaning we played each song a bunch of times and chose the best take. One time, I remember asking Topon after a take “Hey, how was that one?”, he simply said “it’s fairly consistent”. At that time, we had another title in mind for the album. But when he answered that, we both knew those two words HAD to be on the cover. We hold mild self-deprecation in very high regard. We recorded all the music in one day, then did all the vocals the following day. We did them all in order and you can actually hear the main vocals giving up a little bit towards the end of the album, on “Leave it”. We usually have one rule and that’s to “record songs as you would play them live”. But for this release, we cheated a little bit and added an overdub or two and even some keyboards, like in the song “Father’s Day”.

Lyrically, I think that most of this album came about from being propelled inn various situations with people around us, which brought out a need to vent and to find a way to discard our frustrations. As the album progressed, we stopped seeing it as a means to let go of our inherent disappointments, but more as a way to accept that some people are disappointing and the we just have to deal with it; rats is rats.

We’re incredibly proud of this record, so much so that we’re self-releasing this one on a limited edition red vinyl. So, get yours now. The album has everything we love and all that we have come to do best : sludgy strings, raucous rhythms, heavy fuzz, call and response vocals, stoner/doom metal riffs, all wrapped in a nice punk rock package.

Also, we’re available for children’s parties. Beumbs away!

Check out the new album, Fairly Consistent, below. Under that you’ll find a plethora of links to stream their music at and maybe pre-order or pick up an album, as well a social media links to support the band.

Da Beumb Project links:

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