Album premiere: Lost in Society take us through their new EP “The Distribution of Comfort” with a track-by-track breakdown


Wow, thanks for letting me get that out of my system. “Why so excited,” you may ask? Well, TGEFM is the place to be today because we’ve got the premiere of the new EP from New Jersey’s . The Distribution of Comfort is officially out tomorrow via , but you can listen to the hold darn thing right here, right now… and it gets even better.

“How can it get better,” you may ask? Well we’ve got bassist Nick Ruroede to give us a track-by-track breakdown! So get your headphones on, fire up the stream, and then read below as he regales you with the what’s and why’s of each track.

Pascal and Sabine: This song got written at some point in 2021 and our friend Sam came up with the rock’n’roll riff. He saved the voice memo file as “Pascal and Sabine” which is a restaurant down the street from our rehearsal space. It was originally just a filler name. Eventually the song ended up telling the story of a relationship so the name ended up sticking from the original voice note demo.

Skeleton Painting: “Skeleton Painting” was probably the hardest of all the tracks to work out. It’s pretty simple and we kept trying to add things to it so it finally felt “finished”.  I think in the end, some of that was over thinking and a lot of those forced idea’s didn’t make the song.   The only major change from the first draft of the songs are the endings of the verses which ended up being some of the coolest parts.

I Said: The verse riff was something I had kicking around for years with a lot more parts to it.  I sat down one day I tried to write a U2 song at our space and this was the result.  The song is pretty close to the demo but with some added things from Zach, Tom, and Gee.  Definitely a little bit of a different vibe but I think it’s the coolest song on the EP.

Wake Up: I never listened to Pavement growing up and then at some point my wife introduced me to Gold Soundz and I just would repeat Pavement all day long.  This song came from that time period.  It was the last song we worked on for the new batch of recordings and is by far my favorite from the bunch.  I think Zach did a really good job lyrically of expressing what it’s like when your life doesn’t turn out the way you might have thought it would and coming to terms with that.

The Distribution of Comfort is out 09 Aug 2024, and you can pre-save it at this link. You can also find more Lost In Society at their Bandcamp or Spotify pages.

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