Parts of the eastern seaboard and northern Midwest are in for a treat this July, as France's will be on tour, with chaperoning the band for the entirety of the trip. The two acts will launch in Massachusetts and finish up in Minneapolis. This tour is tacked on to the existing gigs GP has throughout France prior to crossing the Atlantic.

Seth of Arms Aloft is completely over the moon about this tour, and provided this lengthy statement about the two bands' connection and camaraderie, as well as a tease of Arms Aloft's upcoming EP (their first new music since 2016):

It's honestly lost on me when we first met Guerilla Poubelle, because in the years since, to one extent or another, we've felt like one band. Surely it's been nearly a decade? (Till from GP is SCREAMING, reading this. He knows down to the minute, I bet.) It's also hard to imagine what our bands would've spent the last several years doing, if not playing gigs; riding across countless imaginary borders; sampling the world's dumpsters; sleeping too little; drinking too much; and repeating the whole mess, together.

This tour marks our countdown to 100 GP x AA shows. I don't think we ever expected Arms Aloft to play 100 shows. Or 1 show, with a band from “somewhere cool, like” Paris. But here we are, back in a van avec nos comrades, hitting some fun new places, places we haven't been in years, and also cooking up some nonsense closer to home, to celebrate the milestone.

We've got a new EP coming this fall, on Red Scare, too. We'll see if we can't play a couple of the new songs at these gigs. More news on that, sooner than later, but we're really proud of it. “Red Lanterns”, on its way. (For real… I just approved the masters!) Peace n solidarity. Stay safe out there. See you at the gigs!

See info on the gigs below, and visit GP or AA at their respective Bandcamp pages for more.

Guerilla Poubelle France gigs

GP and AA USA gigs

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