Bitter Branches cover “50 Ft Queenie” by PJ Harvey for upcoming benefit comp

Philadelphia hardcore outfit Bitter Branches have released their cover of ‘s track “50 Foot Queenie”, originally from her 1993 album Rid of Me.

The cover is the band’s submission to the upcoming Exhibit A benefit comp, due out 07 Oct 2022 via Knife Hits Collective. All proceeds from the comp will go to the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization at the forefront in the (increasingly) essential battle for civil rights in America.

The comp will be available via digital download and cassette, and can be preordered at the Knife Hits Bandcamp page.

new single from their upcoming album. The track, “Plastic Tongues,” is the latest single from the upcoming debut LP Your Neighbors Are Failures, which is due out 23 Feb 2022 via Equal Vision Records.

Bitter Branches consists of members of Calvary, Deadguy, Go For The Throat, Lighten Up, Kiss It Goodbye, No Escape, The Curse and Walleye. Their debut LP Your Neighbors Are Failures, was released 23 Feb 2022 via Equal Vision Records. Hear more from the band at the Bitter Branches Bandcamp.

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