OK, this one requires a bit of a history lesson. Pay attention as you may get a pop quiz on this:

Cumbia Peruana (trans. Peruvian Cumbia) is a style of music popularized in the late 1960s in Peru that combines traditional music with rock, especially surf and psychedelic rock. Two of the leading acts of this style we Los Destellos and .

Now, (aka Mario Acuña) has taken five popular riffs from each act, and presents them in alternating order. There are some slight differences from we're used to with good old Chatowario, mainly in that there are cuts between each sample which, all things considered, is a small price to pay.

So listen up, and be sure to visit Chatowario's YouTube page for more. If you want to take a deeper dive into history, Los Destellos and Los Mirlos are on Spotify, as well.

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