Chixdiggit! and Bovine Sex Club to celebrate 30th anniversaries together

Normally this would be reserved for the family collection of tours and tests at 8am eastern. But this is one of my favorite bands, and I’m the head editor/founder. So I can break the rules when I want to!

Lovable Canadian scamps Chixdiggit! are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year, and what better place to do that than Toronto’s famed Bovine Sex Club which (checks notes) is ALSO celebrating their 30th anniversary this year.

As such, the Chixdiggit! crew are holding a three-night engagement at Bovine Sex Club, and each night will feature a new set of supporting acts. You can check the details below, and visit SHOWCLIX to pick up tickets.

Chixdiggit! and Bovine Sex Club 30th Anniversary

04 Nov 2021 – w/ Wordplay and Black Cat Attack
05 Nov 2021 – w/ Heavy Petter and School Damage
06 Nov 2021 – w/ The Shivvies and Bad Words

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