ChumHuffer sing a song of Jaws with new single/video “FYNS”

Oops, that “F.Y.N.S.” as in “Fuck You Not Sorry,” and it isn’t about Jaws. It’s the first song of the new year for the band, following their 2023 debut LP Orgy of Hate. As the band shares, “FYNS is a call to action for everyone to be themselves and stop judging everyone else. F*ck You Not Sorry.”

Still having not one but two potential shark-related references in one go* was enough to run with for , so the music video sees an adorably murderous shark methodically (and hilariously) taking out members of the band.

Enjoy the album video, and swing by the ChumHuffer Bandcamp or Spotify for more.

*FYNS = Fins, as in shark fins. ChumHuffer = “Chum” is the nickname for the meat and blood slurry used in fishing to attract larger fish, including sharks.

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