Comp: Make-That-A-Take Records “Make Yer Ane Comp IX” (ffo- massive punk comps supporting charity)

Scotland’s may not be the biggest label in the land but, damn, do they work hard. The next iteration in their Make Yer Ane Comp series is out now, and volume IX features 65 (SIX. FIVE!) songs of great music across the punk spectrum. As usual, in their “giving back to the community” ethos, the comp is available as a name-your-price download which means, technically, you can get it for free.


Before you got that route, know that 1) it is currently Bandcamp Friday, the best time to throw money at bands at labels as Bandcamp waives their service fees and passes the funds directly to the creators, and 2) 50% of the proceeds from the sale of the comp will of to Fans Supporting Foodbanks Dundee, a worthy organization. So throw in some moolah!

Take a listen to the comp below, and swing by the MTAT Bandcamp page to grab a copy.

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