Dayglo Abortions are craving some of that “Smart Food”

Long-running thrash/punks have released the fourth single from their upcoming album. “Smart Food” is of the upcoming (but release date TBA) LP Hate Speech.

Murray “the cretin” has this to say in the single’s info:

It is more along the lines of the irreverent humour that I am generally known for, but as I am wanton to do, there is a tiny morsel of relevance woven into the second verse. I should also note that, Blind Marc was visiting his family on the day we recorded this one so our friend Rob Lawless played drums on the beds thinking Blarc would replace the drum tracks when he got back. Blind Marc being the way he is listened to the beds with Rob on drums and said “hey, he’s already played them and it sounds good, might as well leave them so Rob gets the meagre thrill of playing drums on a dayglo album”. I hope this song is as entertaining for you to listen to as it was for us to record it, because to be honest, this one was not that easy to play.

“Irreverent humor.” Ha!

Check out the new track (via Murray “the cretin” Acton’s Bandcamp page.

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