deux furieuses release single “All We Need is Sanctuary” benefitting animal rescue in Greece

Giving voice to those who can’t ask for help in the wake of the wildfires in Greece, UK duo are putting your money into good hands with their newest release for charity. “All We Need is Sanctuary” is a new single from the band benefitting animal rescue organizations, with proceeds going to “emergency animal rescue supplies and evacuations! Our brave partners on the ground…”

The band is looking to raise $10,000 to benefit Alma Libre – Hellenic Animal Rescue (ALHAR), (CAR), and (MIP), all of whom are working to rescue as many animals, many abandonded, from the devastation.

So listen to the single below, and then swing by their Bandcamp page to throw down £2 (or more?). Hate music but love animals? Head strait to Network for Animals who are helping to coordinate the rescue efforts.

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