Digital 7″: Hike The Peak – “Fly” (ffo- melodic punk with a rotating cast of vocalists, “free” music)

13 Jul 2023

For those keeping track at home, the current series of releases now spell out Only The True Fly… What comes next?

That’s right, the fourth entry in the second batch of releases from this unique (and uniquely satisfying) project is out now. Fly features the new songs “Toxify” which, in a bit of bonus, taps into the entirety of ‘s lineup for contributions, although vocalist/bassist Àlex Aubach is most present, providing the lead vox for the song.

Next up is “Resilience,” which taps ‘s Alberto Peris on lead vocals, and ‘s Loic Cormery for backing vocals.

Hike the Peak is the melodic punk brainchild of Lee Byatt, who handles primary guitar duties, and sees a rotating roster of some of punk’s best musicians and vocalists lending their voices so that each song has its own flavor, while still being recognizable as part of a whole.

Bandcamp (name-your-price download)

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