Digital 7″: Hike The Peak – “Free” (ffo- melodic punk with a rotating cast of guests, “free” music)

30 Nov 2023

UK melodic punk project close out the latest series of releases with the final two-song Free. For those nor paying attention, this is the fifth in the current series, and combining the title of all the releases spells out the full name of the project: Only The True Fly Free.

The closing release includes “Raise Your Voices” which features the help of Germany’s Healthcliff, and “Mi Senti,” with Gìo Sada (, ex-Waiting for Better Days).

Hike the Peak is the melodic punk brainchild of Lee Byatt, who handles primary guitar duties, and sees a rotating roster of some of punk’s best musicians and vocalists lending their voices so that each song has its own flavor, while still being recognizable as part of a whole.

As always, the songs are available at Bandcamp as a name-your-price download, and streaming at Spotify.

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