Digital 7″: Hike The Peak – “The” (ffo- melodic punk with a rotating cast of vocalists)

It’s like a reaaaaallly long waiting game to see where this is going. Multi-national pandemic band have released the second digital 7″ in phase 2 of their ongoing project, with the release of The. Those keeping track will now be able to piece together the two releases (of five) in this phase thus far as Only The… The question is: what comes next? (spoiler alert: TGEFM knows!)

Hike the Peak is the melodic punk brainchild of Lee Byatt, who handles primary guitar duties, and sees a rotating roster of some of punk’s best musicians and vocalists lending their voices so that each song has its own flavor, while still being recognizable as part of a whole.

The two new songs on The feature ‘s John “Chic” Harcus performing vocals on “Ghost”, and Shames‘ Ace writing the lyrics and doing vocals for “Empty Road”. They join Phase 2’s other guests Alex Gavazzi (Thousand Oaks, Gavazzi, Jet Market) and Pekka Multaharju (One Hidden Frame) from Only.

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