Drive-by Reviews: 02 Jul 2024

When a TGEFM staffer just doesn’t have the time to write up a full review for an EP or LP, they can do a quick one for the Drive-by Reviews feature. Think of it like a Cliff’s Notes for reviewsYou’ll get the gist of it without all of the verbiage.

Have an album or release you want reviewed? Send it to us HERE.

The NONAME – Fortress Besieged

Pasidaryk Pats Records / Smith & Miller / Abbruch Records – 12 July 2024

Punk rock imports from China, is fast, grungy, garage punk with a little bit a ska sprinkled in that rips!  

Why you want it: There is not a bad song on this album, if you’re like me, and had not heard of NONAME before, this album will make you a fan.

Why you don’t: You don’t like classic kung fu movies.

Top Tracks: “Waiting For That Day”, “Ska Poser”, “I Believe In Chaos”

Review by RIZCHEX

Omnigone – Feral

Bad Time Records – 26 July 2024

Yet another album I feel bad about only doing a short DBR for, to be honest, the hardcore ska-punk is not always my cup of tea. This album is one I would definitely listen to again. I may not love every song, but every song brings the smoke. The lyrics scream of anti-capitalist, hopelessness of war, unity, and uncompromisingly hit you with huge energy.  

Why you want it: 13 tracks and 26 minutes of intense vocals and explosive riffs. Plus, Adam Davis is just an awesome person.

Why you don’t: Hardcore is not for everyone.

Top Tracks: “Modern Medicine”, “Her Story”, “Bad Radio”

Review by RIZCHEX

Various Artists – Day Old Donuts

Wax Donut Records – 26 July 2024

This comp is a tribute to 1960’s sock hop rock and roll classics. It has a little bit of everything from rockabilly, zombie-punk, post-punk, and alternative metal. There are some very cool cover versions that the bands really put their own personal spin on. 

Why you want it: It’s a name your own price comp and all the proceeds will go to the CDP Global Recovery Fund.

Why you don’t: You’re too young to be familiar with these classics and you never seen the movies Adventures in Babysitting or Dirty Dancing.

Top Tracks: “Then He Kissed Me”, “Be My Baby”

Review by RIZCHEX

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