EP: OC Rippers – “Happy Hours Air Travel Club (3 song Sampler!)” (ffo- garage punk)

New Jersey’s have been… loosely… releasing material recently, typically with some vague explanation about how it may or may not appear on a future release. Well, it seems they’ve battened down the hatches as they’ve now released the Happy Hours Air Travel Club (3 song Sampler!). The description of this, obviously, three song EP is that the tracks are #s 7, 8, and 9 from the upcoming Happy Hours Air Travel Club album due out this coming February. All of that is a mouthful, so thank goodness these songs are a kick.

The EP is a available as a name-your-price download on Bandcamp, where you can also listen to their previous releases going back to 2019 (or, you know, Spotify).

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