First Impressions Review: CapGun Heroes – “With You” 

First Impressions are whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, EPs, and LPs which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which may not get a full review on their own.

Hey Pizza! Records, 27 Jan 2023

is now back with a new single.  “With You” is here via the reliably good and it’s the first new music from the band since 2021’s Last Call For AdderallI liked that album an awful lot and am excited to have something new to sink my teeth into.  For those looking to stream the new song, it’s available from both Apple Music and Spotify (see the links below).

“With You” opens with a chugging guitar and lead vocals that indicate a cool melody to come.  Then the band comes in playing a mid-tempo pop punk number that’s just right.  The verse is pretty straightforward and a-okay, and when the chorus hits, the vocal melody is outta this world and the “aah” backing vocals that come in with it are pure pop gold.  It’s really a fantastic earworm and then a lead guitar joins in the fun and adds to the fireworks.  Throughout, the song is backed by tight and energetic music and the production is clean and clear.  There’s nothing life-changing about “With You”, but it’s a darn good song – the kinda thing I’ll be coming back to frequently after writing this.

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