First Impressions Review: Outta Hand – “Bench Girl”

First Impressions are whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, EPs, and LPs which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which may not get a full review on their own.

Self-released, 21 Oct 2022

Canada’s popped outta nowhere (for me) and intrigued me with the Ramones-esque cover art and their self-described .  This new release just arrived and apparently comes from an upcoming EP called (unsurprisingly) Buzz Pop that will be available fairly soon, though any other details are missing at the moment.  Beyond this new song, you can hear a few others from the band over at Bandcamp.

Based on my first listen, the band seems to be a pretty reliable good time, doing nothing particularly new or innovative and instead opting for some quality pop punk songwriting that touches on the aforementioned Ramones while tapping into some 90s-era pop punk tendencies without going soft.  “” opens with guitars that almost remind me of early Blink before going into the chainsaw guitars, driving rhythms, and pop vocal melodies.  The song works tremendous hooks into the verses and the quick successive chord changes on the chorus blister my brain.  Throw in some fantastic backing vocal harmonies and we’ve got a real winner.  Special kudos to the production – the song is clean sounding without seeming polished – a nice punk rock finish.

  • Song Comes From: Buzz Pop EP
  • Album Release Date: “in a couple weeks”
  • Purchase/Pre-Order/Pre-Save: Not yet available

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