First Impressions Review: Sex Mex – “We’re A Happy Family”

Self-released, 21 Apr 2023

San Antonio’s came to my attention a couple months ago and I’ve become a fan.  Recently, the band released a 4-song EP called We’re A Happy Family that’s available name-your-price over at Bandcamp (see link below).  

For those unfamiliar, the band plays broken-new wave-punk.  I stumbled across them after seeing them mentioned alongside The Spits.  Their gross distorted sound shares some similarities, though they don’t feel nearly so dark nor vile – maybe they’re a little more closely connected to new wave vibes and The Spits are a little more entrenched in the punk rock vibes.  No matter, We’re A Happy Family keeps up an anxious pace throughout the 4 songs, with feel-good melodies that stick with me pretty nicely.  The persistent drum track doesn’t really shift much, but it doesn’t need to.  The guitars crunch and bite (Exhibit A: the stuttered riff on “Pills”).  And the distorted synths that are layered on in the most unsubtle of ways elevate each song (I mean, check out the synth line on opener “Goodwill” and you’ll be hooked).  On closer “We’ll Be Gone”, the vocal melody digs in just right.  The pop hooks all over this thing are absolutely to die for and there’s not a clunker in the bunch.  

  • Favorite Song: “We’ll Be Gone”
  • Album Release Date: 21 Apr 2023
  • Purchase/Pre-Order/Pre-Save: Bandcamp 

First Impressions are whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, EPs, and LPs which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which may not get a full review on their own.

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