First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, and shorter EPs, which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which wouldn't get a full review on their own.

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The Thorazines – “I Will Be The One”

Self-released, 14 Feb 2022

Australia's always seem to land right whenever they drop a new single or EP.  “” opens with some muted guitar chugs and vocals for a phrase before the whole band sound arrives.  It's a mid-tempo melodic ripper with something approaching gang vocals on the melodic singalong chorus.  And I really like the simple lead guitar that drops by every once in a while, adding another earworm melody.  In fact, that lead guitar really takes off during the closing bit and that particular line keeps bouncing around my head long after the song wraps.

Review by RYAN

Much Madness – “Derelicts and Dregs”

Self-released, 14 Feb 2022

”, a new one from TGEFM contributor Tom B. Beard, is maybe best described as a buzzing romp.  The guitars have a serrated buzz to them and the bass pulses while the drums simply bash away.  The vocal bellow is ragged and ravaged and fits the music nicely.  I really dig the stuttered, rhythmic “we. are. all. derelicts and dregs” chorus.  There's this really cool lead guitar part that goes over the chug during the stutters that won't leave my skull.  It's pretty brutal and disorienting hardcore stuff. 

Review by RYAN

Pink Snot – “Please Don't Let Me Wonder”

Self-released, 14 Feb 2022

“Please Don't Let Me Wonder” opens like a 50's sock hop throwback before launching into the sweetly buzzing pop punk number.  The guitars have a cool tone to them, as does the bass.  And the drums drive and bash admirably (though I could use them slightly higher in the mix).  But the real winner here is the vocal melody and phrasing.  The words are slowly and rhythmically delivered one long syllable at a time and I think if I come back to this another time or two it'll end up a singalong.  Oh, and the stylized closing is cool shit.

Review by RYAN

Basement Gary – “Like A Millionaire”

KROD Records, 17 Feb 2022

's “” is a pop punk number that leans hard into the pop.  Out front, the pace is pretty good and the hooks are okay.  The vocal melodies are pretty catchy, the lead guitar lines are intriguing, and it has a nice bounce.  My real hang-up is the clean, polished sound.  “Millionaire” comes off as sanitized pop punk, and when the song goes into a half-time quasi-atmospheric bop for the coda, I lose interest.  This one's not really my kinda thing, but those who are into 2000's-era Drive Thru-type pop punk might find something to like.

Review by RYAN

Peach Kelli Pop – “The Sign”

Lauren Records, 24 Feb 2022

's “” is one of those songs that I don't think I ever liked, but I couldn't avoid it and the words and melody have always left a mark.  Thank goodness for , whose cover is rambunctious and loose in a fun garage pop sorta way.  The melody is as crushingly catchy as ever, but the energy and buzz behind this version is good for my heart.  I'm excited to hear the other couple of covers once this 3-song EP lands (called Hardcovers, arriving 15 Apr 2022).

Review by RYAN

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