First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, and shorter EPs, which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which wouldn’t get a full review on their own.
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Dazy & Militarie Gun – “Pressure Cooker”

Self-released, 14 Mar 2022
This merger between East Coast noise-pop band Dazy and West Coast hardcore power pop band Militarie Gun is intriguing. It’s got a bounce to it and does the quiet-loud thing well. The chorus, when the song really opens into a great hook, works really well. And the noisy bridge is fantastic in its squall and brevity. I’ve not heard Dazy before this, but like Militarie Gun quite a bit, and this one raises the profile of both for me. Weirdo side not: something about the verse reminds me of Stabbing Westward’s “Save Yourself”.
Review by RYAN
Cave In – “New Reality”

Relapse Records, 17 Mar 2022
“New Reality”, the new single from Cave In’s upcoming Heavy Pendulum album, has a brutal guitar riff and stomp to it. It’s been far too long since I’ve heard the band (I think Jupiter maybe) and to my memory, that one was much calmer and more atmospheric. This one drops a few doses of atmosphere with some spaced-out lead guitar, but it’s a metal monster through-and-through. All sorts of power to pummel your head. I like the interplay of the clean/melodic lead vocals and the hoarse and coarse yells. If you’re looking for something heavy, this will do.
Review by RYAN
Andrea Manges & The Veterans – “The Last Gig”

Self-released, 15 Mar 2022
“The Last Gig” is a weirdo from Andrea Manges & The Veterans. The song was made for some sort of new board game or something like that and doesn’t sound like a typical Manges song or a Veterans song. It’s got an almost glam-rock-stomp to it and some ridiculous guitar leads that run counter to the Ramones sound I was expecting. If you’re looking for the kinda thing that Andrea Manges is usually associated with, look elsewhere. But if you can step back from those expectations, this one’s fun as a one-off lark.
Review by RYAN
Otoboke Beaver – “PARDON?”

Damnably, 22 Mar 2022
Otoboke Beaver is all high-energy and sugar pop hooks and this newest single from the upcoming Super Champon is ridiculously caffeinated. “PARDON?” blasts by in a craze, with fast pile-driving drums, buzzsaw guitars, and shout-along lyrics simple to learn and cathartic to sing. Pretty much this one can be summed up with all the lyrics shouted at one point or another during the ornery bounce: “I don’t know what you mean”, “shut up”, “you you you you said”, “pardon”, “pardon me” “excuse me”, “excuse you”, “who are you, what’s your name?”, and “shut the fuck up”. I love it.
Review by RYAN
Grim Deeds – “To Night”

Self-released, 22 Mar 2022
This newest one from Grim Deeds has some really clean guitar tones playing a country-fried guitar melody over a pop-punk-quick-galloping drum beat while Deeds waxes poetically-depressed about a darkened inevitable fall, maybe of life as we know it. The lyrics are twisted and complex with rhymes that are never anywhere near obvious and the vocal melodies sink in like lots of Deeds songs do. Another good one.
Review by RYAN
Spot McRackin – “A Dingo Ate My Baby”

Last Exit Music, 25 Mar 2022
“A Dingo Ate My Baby” is a mid-tempo pop punk stomper. It’s got fun catchy guitar chords and some nicely melodic guitar leads and some fairly melodic lead vocals on the verses. And boy oh boy, when the chorus kicks in with its big vocal hook and some harmonies backing up, the song becomes a real winner. The lead guitar on the bridge isn’t half-bad either. I’m pretty sure the “a dingo ate her baby, and people think she’s crazy” singalong will stick with me after a couple more listens.
Review by RYAN
The Gents – “Chop The Rot”

Self-released, 23 Mar 2022
Germany’s The Gents lead off Chop The Rot with “Dig a Little Deeper”, a buzzing garage punk song that reminds me of Dead Kennedys in the ranting vocals and the surfy guitar lead. It’s got a rage to it and double-tap snares to boot. “Grandma’s Got a Headache” blasts ahead at a similar pace and the guitars have hooks that stick pretty right. Closer “Chop The Rot” is a moody mid-tempo stomp that has an incredibly fuzzy guitar lead that fits into the chaotic din just right. Those looking for a quick aggressive garage taster might enjoy this.
Favorite Song: “Dig a Little Deeper”
Review by RYAN

ryan is a reviewer and news editor for TGEFM. He’s very secretive, he might be an alien.