First Impressions Reviews – 07 Sep 2022

First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, EPs, and LPs which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which may not get a full review on their own.

Have an album or release you want reviewed? Send it to us HERE.

Pixies – “Vault of Heaven”

BMG, 11 Aug 2022

Ah, the legendary .  I love the original run, and I gotta admit that I feel like their reunited run has been kinda unfairly maligned.  “” is a relatively tame almost-western number with some gorgeously reverbed lead guitar and a mid-tempo drive and song structure that just feels good – they are in no hurry to get anywhere, instead reveling in the grooves of a good thing.  One knock on recent Pixies is the lack of maniacal outbursts and noise blasts from the band, and this won’t change those critics minds.  But it’s a good sounding song to me. 

Review by RYAN

Suburban Eyes – “SoCal (Psycho)”

Self-released, 16 Aug 2022

brings together talents from Christie Front Drive, Mineral, and Boys Life among others.  On “”, the song sparkles with crystalline production and in-the-heavens vocals that sound spotless and destined to soundtrack late-night drives for the melancholy.  It sorta fits alongside stuff ranging from Angels and Airwaves to Heavens to 80’s post-punk / dream-pop.  It went on for 4+ minutes and I didn’t lose my mind, which is saying something.  Pretty okay for this sorta stuff.  

Review by RYAN

Jarrod Gideon – “You’re Perfect (And Everybody Else is Stupid)”

Laptop Punk Records, 27 Aug 2022

‘s first Laptop Punk release is a straightforward pop punk number.  It opens with sorta-gang-vocals singing the title melodically.  It’s a really ear-catching opening salvo.  The verses leave the lead vocals, a little ragged and rough in a good way, all by themselves.  And then back to the catchy chorus.  The guitars are simple and buzzing Ramonescore guitars and the pace keeps things moving along nicely.  Also, kudos on the key change.  It’s pulled off well on a later chorus.  Good stuff.

Review by RYAN

Sloth Fist – “Too Old to Rock”

Self-released, 19 Aug 2022

Dallas’ is a little different from my typical listening, but “” is a heavy mid-tempo stomper.  The vocals sound a little wailing and a bit deranged, pretty fitting for the music.  And the music, well there’s some mean guitar riffing that goes between muted chugs and opened-up chords.  The drums are simple, but relentless in their caveman pound.  And the bass holds things down nicely.  Secret star of the show is the lead guitar, which rips throughout and the flanger put on it when everything else drops out during the second half is way cool.  

Review by RYAN

Dumb – “Pull Me Up”

Mint Records, 23 Aug 2022

I know released a pretty well-liked album a year or two back, but I’m not really familiar.  “” is definitively “indie rock”, with some real hues of Pavement (and thus The Fall) and Parquet Courts.  The music sort of drones and the words and syllables push things to the limit.  But what I’m really hearing here is Velvet Underground and Modern Lovers admiration.  Something about the insistent chug, drone, and slight drops of melody against the unaffected and bored vocals just hits right on first listen.  I’ll be back for this one.

Review by RYAN

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