First Impressions Reviews – 22 September 2021

First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, and shorter EPs, which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which wouldn’t get a full review on their own.

Have an album or release you want reviewed? Send it to us HERE.

Grim Deeds – “Not My Usual Self”

Self-released, 18 September 2021

first new song since July is another of his breezy pop punk songs musically.  It’s working with some quick simple drums and  some hypermelodic acoustic guitars that jangle just right and give off a real whimsical feel.  That all gets juxtaposed against the heavy lyrics about navigating through the shit and dealing with existential dread along the way.  Oh, and the catchy vocal hook on the chorus is wonderful…I listened to this immediately before my kid’s soccer match and drove people nuts humming it loudly throughout.  It’s another great song.

Review by RYAN

Webbed Wing – “Make A Dime”

Memory Music, 15 September 2021

gives off a real 90’s vibe on “”.  It’s a plodding, heavy song that sounds like it’s wrapped in gauze.  The guitars are melodic and almost remind me of Hum.  All the while, the drums bash away simply and at a lethargically principled pace and the bass follows suit nicely.  Lead guitars cut through the morass and the vocals sound great singing the melody.  It’s really a great song, coming off like “Undone” with a bit more grunge and a touch of shoegaze. 

Review by RYAN

Hard-Ons – “Lite as a Feather”

Cheersquad Records & Tapes, 9 September 2021

Another single from their upcoming full-length, “” plays around with a persistent prickly guitar ring hook and understated reverbed vocals going sorta melancholy overtop a quick galloping drum beat.  The chorus slows down to half-time and ups the singalong factor a bit.  The guitars cut deep, and when they get to the coda, they feel uncountable and seem to be beamed in from other worlds.  It doesn’t have the ragged and goofy and reckless feel of their early stuff, but it’s a fantastic song.

Review by RYAN

Mastodon – Pushing The Tides

Reprise Records, 10 September 2021

Good lord, that guitar tone right outta the gate is unnerving and heavy.  The roiling bass and drums come in and pulverize (as tends to always do).  Through time changes, the drums are off-kilter rhythmic machines and the whole thing goes epic during the chorus with rather clean reverbed vocals contrasting the guttural lead on the verses.  It ends up sounding like Mastodon-meets-the-Iron Maiden, or something of that ilk.  It’s an intriguing song that keeps the brain engaged with all the change-ups.

Review by RYAN

Nothing Lost – “Ten Years”

Self-released, 10 September 2021

San Antonio’s Nothing Lost hits a pretty sweet spot on “”.  The song draws me in with some persistent guitar hooks and melodic bass, carried along by quick pounding drums.  Then, they pull the rug out from under with a time change that lands real right, before going back to warp speed.  Early on, when they sing “what the hell am I doing here”, I smile, feeling the sentiment.  The recording is sanitized and polished, maybe a little too much so for my taste.  But the song oozes enthusiasm.

Review by RYAN

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