First Impressions Reviews – 24 Aug 2022

First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, EPs, and LPs which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which may not get a full review on their own.

Have an album or release you want reviewed? Send it to us HERE.

Saturday Night Karaoke – “Dejection”

Disaster / Brassneck / I Hate Smoke Records, 08 Aug 2022

open with the title track.  It leads with an insistently buzzing guitar before drums and the rest crash in on a memorable riff.  The chorus in particular sticks.  The lead guitar on “Padded Room” sounds lifted from Screeching Weasel (a compliment) and the song is great.  Same goes for “Compro(de)mise” (reviewed earlier here).  And acoustic pop shuffle closer “Anywhere But Here” is as melancholy as the rest.  I’ve listened to SNK for a while and never thought so before, but now I keep thinking this reminds me of Four Minute Mile-era Get Up Kids.  

Favorite Song: “Padded Room”

Review by RYAN

Noodle Brain – “Save Your Good Lovin’ For Me”

Laptop Punk Records, 13 Aug 2022

Chicago’s cover the fun Groovie Goolies cartoon song “Save Your Good Lovin’ For Me” on this new Laptop Punk release.  It’s a mid-tempo pop song with timely keys and a nice lead / backing vocals blend provided by Drew Safari and Maria Surfinbird.  The band plays the melody just right and come up with a sweet and punchy take that treats the original well.  Cool song that I’ll be coming back to.  

Review by RYAN

No Age – “Tripped Out Before Scott”

Drag City Records, 11 Aug 2022

is a band that I really dug into for a while many years back.  Over time, I sorta lost contact and only sporadically check ‘em out (mostly when a new release lands).  “” is a new single from the upcoming People Helping People, and it’s a trip.  With what sounds like looped almost-jazzy guitar figures and feedback, mostly straight-faced drums, and deadpan vocals, the song isn’t the noisy energy blast that drew me in on Nouns.  But it’s certainly interesting and the song title makes a bunch more sense after hearing the song.

Review by RYAN

Kurt Baker – “Electric Fire”

Wicked Cool Records, 19 Aug 2022

On ‘s new one, he plays with the usual heavy hitters including Geoff Palmer, Wyatt Funderburk, Zach Sprague, and Dave Strong.  The song is a bubblegum rock and roller with some mean lead guitar right outta the gate.  The vocal melody and backing vocals are timeless, sounding like it could’ve come outta pretty much any rock and roll era.  And the power pop hooks and keys will drag you in whether you wanna or not.  The lead guitar that takes over in the second minute is bonkers cool, too.  I thought the title was cheese, but good stuff, this.

Review by RYAN

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