First Impressions Reviews – 28 July 2021

First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews, primarily of shorter albums (EPs and singles) which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which wouldn’t get a full review on their own.

Have an album or release you want reviewed? Send it to us HERE.

Death to Slater – “Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind”

Self-released, 16 July 2021 

” is the new single from “Saved By The Bell” goofs .  Like their now impressive catalog of singles, this one is dirty garage pop punk with some pretty simple Ramones-style guitar riffs and a few key accents.  This one is hitting real good, with a catchy melody on the verse and an even catchier melody and vocal hook on the chorus.  I think I’ll be listening to this one again.

Review by RYAN

The Mitochondriacs – “Never/But Sometimes”

Laptop Punk Records, 16 July 2021 

hit me just right with their previous Laptop Punk release.  Opener “Never/Always” picks up right where the last left off.  It’s a melodic blast with an infectious “I know” vocal hook and a consistent drive.  And it ends falling into a chaotic shamble.  The second, “But Sometimes”, seems just as fast, but is a little more pop-feeling with Maria Surfingbird joining the vocal fray in parts.  After a dialogue break, the song comes out with a chugging mid-tempo push and the great line “sometimes you’re an asshole” on repeat.  Kudos. 

Favorite song: “Never/Always”

Review by RYAN

Kurt Baker – “Anytime At All”

Wicked Cool Records, 9 July 2021 

covers the great on his newest.  “” begins with a stuttering guitar groove and a little harmonica and comes off like “Born To Hand Jive” – certainly can hear the original in it, but the groove is so clearly evocative of “Hand Jive” that it gives Baker’s version an interesting twist.  Then, like the original, it takes off with an infectiously melodic chorus that drives and sticks around pretty nicely.  The original is great and this is a fun little twist.  

Review by RYAN

Alien Boy – “Nothing’s Enough”

Get Better Records, 12 July 2021 

The new one from is some reverbed, driving pop punk with some guitars that shimmer and bend a little and create a buoyant atmosphere that sort of feels like you’re taking off to the stars.  Even as the band bashes away melodically and admirably, the vocals are the star here, singing an endearing and at once celebratory yet melancholy melody.  I rather enjoyed this and it has me looking forward to the full length from which it comes.

Review by RYAN

Plastic Flamingos – “Cheeseburger In Paradise”

Never Nude Records, 9 July 2021 

cover of Jimmy Buffett‘s “” is a goofy fun blast that I can comfortably say is better than it has any right to be.  The music is hooky and buzzing and the drums drive and pound and bounce.  The vocals, a little angsty and just a touch snotty, capably sing the song and hit the hooks so that they stick with you for a bit.  It’s a pretty good take.

Review by RYAN

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