First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, EPs, and LPs which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which may not get a full review on their own.
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Cigar – “Classic You”

Fat Wreck Chords, 18 Aug 2022
As I mentioned in a previous review of lead single “Legacy of the 7 Plies”, I didn’t know the band during their first run, but I was enamored with “7 Plies”. The new one, “Classic You” has some stop-and-go goodness to go with some ravaging guitars and it rips along at a ridiculous pace. I really love the intro and bridges and the verses are aces. I’m not quite as excited for the chorus’ greater emphasis on vocal melody and backing vocals. It’s not quite “7 Plies” for me, but it keeps me excited for The Visitor.
Review by RYAN
OFF! – “F”

Fat Possum Records, 16 Aug 2022
Following up on the earlier (and adventurous and noisy waves of) “War Above Los Angeles”, OFF! comes back with second single “F”. This one’s even more out there, opening with seeming feedback and some saxophone / horn honks (I think) that take the song way into experimental free jazz territory. It’s weird. Minus Keith Morris’ agitated-as-can-be vocals, one might wonder how this fits as an OFF! song. But “F” actually feels right. After 3 hardcore home runs, the opening salvos from FREE LSD have me intrigued at the restlessness and adventure still alive in the band.
Review by RYAN
Grim Deeds – “Greeting Cards”

Self-released, 13 Aug 2022
Grim Deeds newest has a buzzed bounce guitar that plays a brainwashing riff, and the vocal melody on “Greeting Cards” ends up digging into the recesses of my head even more. Lyrically, Deeds gets frustrated by the pointlessness of greeting cards and the inability of said cards to make up for the wrongs inflicted. Lines like “You send a greeting card per holiday, even for the ones I don’t observe” and “there’s a desperation hidden in each card you send” call out frustration and a lack of sincerity that makes Deeds miffed. I rather enjoy this one a lot.
Review by RYAN
The Beths – “Knees Deep”

Carpark / Ivy League Records, 22 Aug 2022
I like The Beths quite a bit, especially 2018’s Future Me Hates Me. “Knees Deep” has a nice little pace to it, nothing drags. The guitars seem pretty right in the buzz-to-fuzz department and nothing gets overly complicated or messy anywhere on this one. Little melodic guitar figures dance around and the vocals sound gorgeous, especially on the memorable melody on the clouds-are-parting blast chorus. Add on a cool lead guitar line and tone near the end and there you have it. A winner.
Review by RYAN
The Hawaiians – “Across the Sea”

Last Exit Music, 14 Aug 2022
Now here’s some bubblegum beach pop punk I can get behind. Germany’s The Hawaiians make gorgeously harmonizing pop punk that fits nicely alongside The Queers Don’t Back Down or current bands like Randells and The Yodees. The pop hooks on “Across the Sea” (lead single from upcoming Pop Punk VIP) are fantastic throughout and the key change and playful keys during the latter part of the song just up the ante. If you like your punk heavy on the pop (or maybe better stated, you like your pop with a dash of punk), this new one is just for you.
Review by RYAN

ryan is a reviewer and news editor for TGEFM. He’s very secretive, he might be an alien.