First Impressions Reviews – 8 September 2021

First Impressions is a collection of whiz-bang reviews of singles, 7″s, and shorter EPs, which are given a review after a single listen. This is a great way for TGEFM to showcase some of the releases which wouldn’t get a full review on their own.

Have an album or release you want reviewed? Send it to us HERE.

Capgun Heroes – “That Girl”

Hey Pizza! Records, 30 August 2021 

new 3-song single opens with “”, an admirably hooky pop song with soaring chorus vocals and fantastic “whoa-oh” backing vocals, all over buzzsaw guitars, pounding fast drums, and a tasty lead guitar.  “Ice Cream Shoppe Girl” is a complete throw back to something from the 50’s, and the “whoa-oh-oh-oh” stutter hook is awesome.  Then, the band goes out in style, taking on the Ramones “Commando” and doing it well.  No duds here, this is a fun 3-songer.

Favorite Song: “That Girl”

Review by RYAN

Wonk Unit – Skin to Skin

Self-released, 27 August 2021 

I like .  The London band just plays with a sort of kick and edge that appeals to me.  “” is the sort of bouncy, ragged mess that I dig, feeling on the verge of becoming unhinged and still managing to hold it all together.  The guitars are full of drive, as are the drums and bass and the vocals are right up front, and the singing melodies are really good and hooky.  All energy and hooks.  

Review by RYAN

Sleigh Bells – “Justine Go Genesis”

Mom+Pop Records, 25 August 2021 

Opening with skittering electronic drums, hooky guitar penetrates shortly after, along with Alexis Krauss’ clean vocals.  It’s noisy with all sorts of tangents, which is really good for my limited attention span.  My favorite parts are when Derek Miller’s guitar slices things up with a brain-splitting riff as the drums bounce around like scattershot while the more ethereal parts make me all sorts of wistful.  Another pretty good single hopefully leading to a fun Texis full length.    

Review by RYAN

Pack Rat – “Two Sides Of Your Heart”

Drunken Sailor Records, 23 August 2021 

” opens in a quick garage pace.  The drums drive nowhere but forward while the guitars and bass bash away, sounding like they’re about to come unhinged along the way.  And the Halloween synths set it all off just right.  And overtop of it all, the vocals shout in a sort of panicked shout and the spitting hi-hat accents cut across the background.  Oh, and the synth-heavy bridge is fantastic.  This is a really cool and high-energy garage punk song.

Review by RYAN

Local H – “Hackensack”

Brutal Panda Records, 3 September 2021 

” is the 2nd single dropped by in advance of their Awesome Quarantine Mixtape #3 covers album.  The song is originally a number, and their version moseys so pleasantly.  Local H goes dreamy with it, pulling the simple drums out of the equation and upping the reverb and twinkle considerably.  The vocals are great, especially when they hit the falsetto, and the guitars feel like a night under the stars.  Interesting stuff.

Review by RYAN

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