Flying Raccoon Suit, Omnigone, Thirsty Guys, and Redeemon’s tracks from Bad Time Records’ new benefit comp now streaming

I admit, this was a blink once and your already behind the curve kind of thing. We missed posting the next track released from ‘ benefit comp The Shape of Ska Punk to Come Volume II, and then the weekend blows by and we’re already four tracks behind.

So today we’re sharing all four of the singles in one fell swoop, starting with ‘s “Run Away”

Next up is with “Land of Opportunity”

are a new act for me, which I feel kinda bad about because they’re just up Route 1 from me, and I LIKE THEM!

Last is today’s track drop is UK ska-metal act and “Purpose”

The comp is available now as a digital download, with CD’s arriving within 5 days of purchase, and the limited vinyl arriving next Spring (expectations on delivery at this point are March of 2022).

More importantly, 100% of the proceeds from the comp will be split between the ACLU and Oakland, CA’s Punks With Lunch.

Enjoy the track below, and visit Bad Time Bandcamp page to order a copy on digital, CD, or Vinyl (all purchases include and immediate digital download).

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