Frank Turner’s “FTHC Crew Christmas 2” benefit livestream starts RIGHT NOW

recently announced the UK leg of his upcoming tour has been cancelled due to the recent surge of COVID-19. This, of course, leaves his bandmates and touring crew without work. In response to this, he is starting a livestream concert RIGHT NOW (21 Dec 2021) to fundraise for them. The event will remain online after the livestream so fans can watch at their leisure.

There is also a fundraising page (linked in the YouTube video as well) which, as of me writing this post at 10am EST, has already reached 50% of its goal.

Per the fundraising page’s description:

Well. Another Christmas is coming up, and the world (and particularly the music industry) is still completely screwed. We’ve just had to cancel the upcoming GB tour, which puts my band and crew out of work, again. Most of these people (my family) have worked a handful of weeks in the last 2 years, and there’s precious little support from any other quarter. If you’re able to help, please throw a few quid in the pot. Tarrant, Ben, Matt, Callum, Johnny, Tre, Doug, Luke, Jamie, Cahir and Ali will appreciate it more than you could know.

So if you tune in for a spell, maybe throw a bit of coin at the people behind the scenes of the music and touring industry.

You can check out the livestream below, or click this link to go directly to YouTube to watch.

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