Washington DC death metal act Genocide Pact (hey, that rhymes) have released a new track from their upcoming album. “Deprive / Degrade” is the third single to be released from the band’s self-titled album, which is due out 03 Dec 2021 via Relapse Records. The band’s most recent album, Order of Torment, was released in 2018 via Relapse as well.
Listen in on the new single below, and visit Genocide Pact’s Bandcamp page to hear more or pre-order the album, or hit up their Spotify for streaming goodness. They will also be playing several gigs, including a two-night album release party. You can find the details on those underneath the stream.
Genocide Pact 2021 shows
11/20 – Brooklyn, NY @ Saint Vitus w/ UNDEATH, FUNERAL LEECH & INFANDUS
**12/3 – Washington, DC @ Comet Ping Pong w/ ILSA & DESTRUCT
**12/4 – Washington, DC @ Comet Ping Pong w/ CAVEMAN CULT & DELIRIANT NERVE** = record release shows

the white drew carey (aka – Jeff Sorley) is the founder and head editor of TGEFM. He’s lived (outside of) Chicago, Madison WI, (ugh) Penn State, Lyon FR, Oxford UK, central New Jersey, and now within earshot of SFO in the Bay Area. When not scouring the web for more great bands and labels to post about, he also spends time drawing (mostly) silly sci-fi and anime stuff under the name Asplenia Studios.