Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn't actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

We're from Nashville, TN. This year we put out a new record called Spill on (Here). The vinyl is currently sold out, but we've got a repress and some other tricks up our sleeves for the beginning of the year!
We ranked some things from our year!

Nate loves to smoke things, here are his favorite things he smoked this year:

Baby Back Ribs
Pork Shoulder
Chicken Wings
Whole Turkey
Devil's Lettuce

Joe's top albums, in no particular order:

Zach Bryan
I can't help it. The dude is an excellent songwriter and I have a small obsession.

It's a FUN, very well put together record. Team O-Rod over here for sure.

Knocked LooseUpon Loss Singles
I listened to these too much, but it's just two songs so that's easy. The accompanying video/short film is so rad.. I'm not jealous at all.

Feeling Dead
Yes I played drums on this. Yes it's Craig's other project. I don't care, I love it. People should listen to it.

This is Why
Their last few records have been undeniably fantastic, and this one is no exception. The singles hooked me in hard, and then the whole thing has been on rotation all year.

Dad Hats Fave Moments:

Releasing Spill!
We worked on this thing for a long time and for it to finally shine it's bright little light out in the world was pretty cool. We're ready to do it again!
The release show was a blast! Austin from MOM came and Joe tricked him into eating the worst burrito of his life

Playing halftime at a Nashville Soccer Club game at Geodis Park in Nashville.
Two songs, 28,000 people. What a day! We weren't nervous at all, and we got free drinks and food and jerseys.

Doing a little four-day, four city run with our buds .
Our first out of town shows! We had fun, got closer with our friends, had zero fights, and no one drank too much Malort!

Craig said he would rank his favorite Chili's appetizers, but he never did so here are our best guesses:

Southwestern Eggrolls.
A solid guess for a top pick. They're very good and a staple of the starters.

Boneless Wings.
I think this is a no brainer, craig likes chicken nuggets and Chili's are decent.

Brisket Quesadilla.
I've never had it, but it seems like something you'd see on the menu and probably take a shot on. Craig likes quesadillas and beef.. so it adds up!

Dip Trio.
One.. the chips at Chilis are actually pretty good! They're like.. light? So put those light chips together with three different dips!? Yep. It'd be in the top 5.

Fried Mozzarella.
Why don't they just have mozzsticks? These look a little too big to have a good ratio, but fried cheese is fried cheese and this is America right!?

Tyler said he had three things to send to me and just said:

“What was that alien movie I like? It had great cinematography.”
“I quit eating red meat, so there's that”
“Favorite album was 's Would You Miss It.
“Again.. no frogs.”
I have no idea what he means by this, but I'd be remiss to not include it.

We haven't heard from Zak since we added him to the band and he played his first DH show at Geodis Park. So we'll just assume his top moments of 23 were

Being asked to be in Dad Hats
Playing his first show in Dad Hats in front of 28,000 people
Buying us White Claws and Malort for our new practice space that's at his house

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