Guest “Best of 2023”: Jagwar Twin

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Emerging out of the California suburbs of Orange County, creates worlds steeped in lore with his own genre of alternative rock: accordion hooks, children’s choirs, and gritty breakbeats paired with deeply thoughtful, almost hieroglyphic lyrics. Jagwar Twin’s music explores light and dark, good and evil, and the war within himself and each of his cult-like followers. He has joined TGEFM to present his favorites of 2023.

Best songs 2023

“Say Yes To Heaven” by Lana Del Rey is such an incredible song. I was lucky enough to play a small part in the production thanks to Rick Nowels, who brought me in, and I played the drums. 

“Eras of Us” by – Fletcher is going to be an icon and stir up the stagnant world of pop music. She’s dropping codes in this and her songwriting speaks on multiple dimensions of meaning. You can hear it as a story of a real human relationship on one level and a relationship between oneself and higher self on another. She’s brilliant.

Best Album


This album and artist caught me by surprise. Calico is a masterpiece and I spent a few nights in my feels driving up the coast of California singing this album.

Favorite food of 2023

Toast. Slightly burnt.
This year I ate toast, pretty much every day. Except when I was on tour because there was no toaster in the van. 

Favorite Tour Stop

Salt Lake City, Utah
I played this tiny little beat up venue called Kilby Court and it was wild. Ya’ll go hard in SLC and I met some magical people. 

Most listened to album was 

Mr. Morale And The Big Steppers by

Codes on Codes. He’s willing to say what no one else has the guts to say.

Best TV Shows

is a documentary. basically. Season two is so good.
One Piece was my second favorite. 

Favorite movie of the year

Knives Out – Another great “documentary”.

Best Rap verse of 2023

Baby Keem/Kendrick Lamar “Family Ties” 
I listened to Kendrick’s verse on “Family Ties” so many times. He’s dropping codes. “I’m not a trending topic, I’m a prophet/I answer to Metatron and Gabriel” is too real…

Favorite fashion brand of 2023

Dries van Noten
Dries is the coolest. They’re the most exciting brand to me at the moment

Favorite Book of 2023

The Four Agreements  by Don Miguel Ruiz
I put off reading this book for a long time because it was “trendy” idk why I do that. It was incredible. I read The Four Agreements and Mastery of Love in less than a week. There’s so much gold in there, in simple language. 

Biggest insight 

You are all the love that there is

Best quote

“Make sure your mask is secure before” 

Favorite Tarot card of 2023

The Chariot
Major obstacles were all over 2023, but every challenge held a valuable lesson. I faced some of my worst fears, and learned alot about dark and light, negative and positive both needing to be harnessed in order to move forward into 2024.

Favorite Movie Soundtrack of 2023


I listened to “Epiphany” on repeat walking around different cities with my big headphones on. I like music that I can think and have conversations with myself to. Trent and Atticus are the ones. 

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