Guest “Best of 2023”: The Blackburns

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… who cares?

You may not have heard of The Blackburns yet, but it’s likely you’ve heard of Wax Wav or Plow United, which contribute members to this new act. They’ve only three songs out so far, but are looking to make a splash with their indie-pop sound. The band put together their collective minds and hashed out a list of their favorite releases of 2023, in no particular order.

BullyLucky For You

Crossed KeysBelieves in You

CrushedExtra Life

DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJDestiny

Home FrontGames of Power

Hotline TNTCartwheel

Ruston KellyThe Weakness

Mozart EstatePop-Up! Ker-Ching! and the Possibilities of Modern Shopping

Jeff RosenstockHellmode

Slaughter Beach, DogCrying, Laughing, Waving, Smiling

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