Guest “Best of 2023”: Kevin Day of Part-Time PR

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Kevin Day created nearly a decade ago. In that time he has represented some awesome acts like American Television, Mustard Plug, Crossed Keys and Night Windows. In addition to his work with Part-Time PR, Kevin also performs with Aspiga, Errth and Graduation Speech. As both an artist and an artist representative, Kevin has proven he has his finger firmly on the pulse of the music scene and was kind enough to share his favorites of 2023 with us here.
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In no particular order:

Nova OneCreate Myself: This might be my most listened to album of the year. Pop forward indie-rock with haunting vocals. There’s so many moments where the vocals are hushed and yet so crystal clear that it’ll give you goosebumps. Top notch songwriting combined with sleek production, Create Myself grabs you right out of the gate and doesn’t let go.
Recommended Track: “dangerous” right into “crying.” Sorry, it’s just an amazing one-two punch.  

Cougs: I remember scrolling on the internet and seeing a song premiere on New Noise magazine for Cougars. I thought to myself, there’s no way that Cougars are back together right? I was wrong. 18 years after the release of their last album, Pillow Talk, Cougars shed their horn and keyboard players and return as a five piece rock band. Honestly, I think I prefer it. Cougs feels seedy and dangerous. Just filthy angular rock that feels like it can go off the rails at any moment.
Recommended Track: “Stiff Wind”

Chalk: This release totally took me by surprise. The album artwork got me curious and the music sealed the deal. The EP is made up of 10 songs and is done in 10 minutes. I don’t think it’s possible to distill these songs down any further. Quick, concise, hooky, grimy pop-punk songs done absolutely right.
Recommended Track: “Mattress”

Imaginary Summertime: My band was fortunate enough to do a weekend with Chrome Rodeo this year and it only further cemented how much I love these songs. Made up of old friends from the band Young and Heartless, Chrome Rodeo writes very chill guitar forward indie-rock. There’s something airy and solemn about this EP that makes it a repeat listen while driving.
Recommended Track: Smile so big, it ruined my day

Fever Sleep: My bandmate in  put this release on my radar and I’m not really sure how I missed it to begin with. Feversleep includes members of Young Livers, Lock and Key, and Dikembe. Moody post-rock and punk blended together that makes for a stellar debut EP. Think early Planes Mistaken for Stars, Small Brown Bike, Young Livers, and Lock and Key.
Recommended Track: “Little Pins” 

Against the Rest: There’s something very refreshing about the ska-punk that Omnigone plays. It’s a familiar style (definitely present in that third wave of ska) that feels totally new in 2023. Distortion on the upstrokes, gang vocals, and just a great mix of danceable ska songs and circle pit inducing punk songs. Recommended Track: “Destroy Hymn” 

Stowaway: The classics never go out of style right? Any year that we get a new record from Samiam is a good year and Stowaway is another example of Samiam doing what they do best. As a guitarist, there is something about the way that Sergie and Sean play off each other that always perks my ears up.
Recommended Track: “Monterey Canyon”

Slaughter Beach, DogCrying, Laughing, Waving, Smiling: Just an absolute masterclass in storytelling set against beautiful arrangements. The band continues to lean into the rock and folk music that set the world on fire in the 60’s through the 70’s.
Recommended Track: “Summer Windows”

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