Guest “Best of 2023”: Of Virtue

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Michigan’s metalcore act released their fourth full-length album Omen in 2023 on . All four members of the band were kind enough to share with TGEFM their favorites of 2023.

TYLER ENNIS (vocals)

 – Take Me Back To Eden
I discovered this band back in 2018 and have loved them ever since but this year with them releasing new music and then their new album, it was on repeat. I went through a pretty rough break up and they helped get me through it. Every song of theirs is gold and I genuinely fell in love with their older stuff again. Easily one of my favorite bands at the moment! 

The  – Hard Reset
Their new album Hard Reset is truly one of their best albums to date! It’s catchy, heavy both emotionally and at times instrumentally. I am very proud to know them and call them friends because I’ve seen them go through a lot to get to this point! Don’t sleep on this record or this band! They haven’t even hit their prime yet! 

 – The Fear Of Letting Go
I may be a little biased as they’re my friends but this band means a lot to me. “The Fear Of Letting Go” is hands down their best work yet IMO and I absolutely can’t stop listening to this album. It’s heavy, melodic and the song writing from Lee and the lyrics/vocal performance from Tyler are incredible! I’m excited to see what’s next from them!  

DAMON TATE (guitar/vocals)

Bad WolvesDie About It
I had the chance to tour with these dudes this year and seeing the power of what they do with the melody/groove of their sound is second to none. All of the dudes are super laid back and it’s great to see what they have been able to accomplish through everything. The song “Savior” has definitely gotten some healthy play in the gym rotation as well! 

new low/fallback EP
Again…late night at the gym and I was just letting Spotify run through the Radio and I heard a cover of an old Rob Thomas song playing. This had a ton more soul and vibe to it though so I replayed it a few times. Turns out, it’s a 3 piece group from Baltimore that’s just getting their legs under them and I can safely say they are well on their way. I’m a sucker for pop/r&b vibes so this checks all the boxes for me. 

Hybrid Theory
This is one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time and throughout the year, this just made its way into the pre show rotation, workouts, road trips or just showing people some influences we have had growing up over the years. A recent memory that popped up as seeing Mike Shinoda back in 2019 on his solo tour in Detroit. He came out with just a small keyboard and started playing “In The End” and I’ve never heard a crowd sing a song louder than I did that night (everybody including myself was crying) This record will never get old and only gets better with age. 
RIP Chester forever 


Sleep TokenTake Me Back To Eden
Front to back this album is an absolute masterpiece. We were fortunate enough to play a few European festivals with them this summer and their live show is such a mesmerizing experience. I highly recommend this album and catching them live! 

Orbit CultureThe Forgotten
Discovered this band during the summer and I haven’t stopped listening since! They recently just put out a new EP and it absolutely rips. The opening track in this album just makes you want to circle pit wherever you are at! 

Fear of Fear
Always a favorite band of mine, I was super excited for them to drop their new EP and it did not disappoint. “Jaded” is probably my favorite song of the year as well. Another album that you can throw on and not skip a song.


Waiting for Morning to Come
I had listened to BAAO growing up but they were one of those bands that I enjoyed listening to, but I never really took the time to sit down and listen to their records front to back. Having the amazing opportunity of touring with them really brought a new light to their music for me. They are not only some of the nicest people, but they absolutely crush it live every time and the emotions come through tenfold when Joel is screaming his lyrics directly at you! What a band!

Moments Elsewhere
I’m going to be honest. I’ve never listened to this band prior to this album. I remember watching a reaction channel covering the single “The Ladder” and within the first 4 seconds, I was hooked. Checked out the rest of the album and it is something I spin DAILY. 
If you wanna feel like throwing something through a wall, throw this album on! 

Gutter KingChemical Messages 
I love this band. We all live in the same area here in Alberta, Canada. I’m blown away with every release; it really feels like they are improving more and more with every passing day.  I hear very heavy influences from the band Normandie which is another band I love! SO, do yourself a favour and CHECK THEM OUT!

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