Guest “Best of 2023”: Satellite Citi

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

LA-based hard rock duo  spent 2023 releasing the single “Anxious Hearts” and “Trouble Flower.” Now the pair have shared their 2023 best of list.

Favorite song of the year:
– “Rain”
Played this on REPEAT so much in the car. Too bad it doesn’t rain in LA.

Favorite album of the year:
Sleep TokenTake Me Back To Eden
Obviously it was a big Sleep Token year for us. The album didn’t disappoint. Loved how they mixed genres so seamlessly here. 

Favorite Movie of the Year:
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
“Not just an animated masterpiece, but a masterclass in storytelling.”  – Shaunt

Favorite Game of the Year: 
Mortal Kombat 1
We haven’t stopped playing it since it came out. It’s brutal.. yet therapeutic. Anna’s competitive side definitely comes out when she’s playing this haha

Favorite TV Show of the year:
“The Leftovers”
This show came out all the way back in 2014 but we just discovered it this year. It’s probably on our list of best shows ever and we seriously don’t know how we went so long without checking it out. 

Favorite Fashion Item of the year:
Dagger necklace
“Gifted to me from Shaunt and have worn it way too much this past year. It’s a reminder of everything we’ve had to battle and overcome these past few years and just a cool piece of jewelry.”  -Anna

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