Guest “Best of 2023” Tori Kravitz from She’s With The Band

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2023” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Tori Kravitz has a proven track record of supporting the growth and equality of women in the music industry. Tori can be found regularly hosting the empowering and successful podcast She’s With The Band. She also happens to be an extremely accomplished publicist and journalist who has worked with some of the biggest and best names in the scene. With her fingers firmly on the pulse, Tori was kind enough to share her favorites of 2023.
Find Tori on:
She’s with The Band on Knotfest 
SWTB Instagram

– Favorite book: 
by CJ Leede

My two favorite things combined: Disney World and horror. It’s a modern-day, feminist American Psycho. Yes, it has its flaws, but it kept me engaged all the way through and that’s all I can hope for from a good fiction read.

– Favorite music:
– Sanguivore by

This album is Creeper in their most realized, most authentic version. This is what happens when you combine the inspirations of Meatloaf, The Lost Boys, David Bowie, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Misfits in one rock opera masterpiece. They created more than just an album, they built a universe…and I’m a sucker for an elaborate concept album.

– Head Down –

Frayle is my favorite new band discovery of this year. It’s doom metal done beautifully with ethereal vocals to truly haunt your dreams…and nightmares.

– everything is alive –

– This is a favorite album and a favorite live show experience. Slowdive are masters of shoegaze and pioneers of the genre. The six-year wait for this release was worth it.

– Spine –

I love the diverse tracklist and haunting sounds on this album. I admire Myrkur‘s ability to transport you to a different world with her usage of traditional Scandinavian folk music combined with her black metal influences.

– Dusk –

– Anyone who listens to my podcast KNOWS I love Chelsea Wolfe. So it’s no surprise that she is on the list. No one does witchy, heavy rock better than her. This single gives me high hopes for her upcoming 2024 album!

– Life is but a dream… –

First, a confession: I never identified as an A7X fan. They just “missed” me somehow. Then this album came out and I watched the fan uproar from afar. Clearly, this album was divisive, and that’s why I loved it. It was a true show of uninhibited creativity and unwavering confidence. “Nobody” is a showstopper and nobody can change my mind about that.

– This is Why – Paramore

An instant classic and a timely album that embodies the challenges of millennials navigating our clumsy, confusing, and exhausting existence with tongue-in-cheek lyrics. Like yes, I do go to the chiropractor for social interaction sometimes. If music’s greatest purpose is to make people feel seen and heard, Paramore understood the assignment. 

– Best Live Performance: 

Boston Manor at Slam Dunk Festival 2023

The energy in the tent for Boston Manor‘s performances at Slam Dunk North and South was ELECTRIC. Fans crowded in far beyond the eye could see and overflowed the festival grounds. It was a huge moment of pride for a band that I’ve followed since their Warped Tour debut in 2017. They are in their prime with some of the most out-of-the-box, dynamic, and visceral music they’ve ever released. Now is the best time to get on board as they gear up for the follow-up to their 2022 album Datura coming soon.

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