Guest “Best of 2024”: Etherius

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2024” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Ferocious neo-classical thrash metal act Etherius dropped the phenomenal instrumental metal masterpiece: Hymns of The Crimson Raven. Now bandleader Jay Tarantino has shared his 2024 favorites with That’s Good Enough For Me. So here it is, Etherius’s list of their favorite live performances, riffs, and records.

Top 5 Metal Albums of 2024 That Aren’t Ours:

Ihsahn Ihsahn: Having been an Emperor fan going back many years, I’ve always respected Ihsahn’s musicianship, and his ability to bring hooks and melody into black metal. This album is no exception.

Judas PriestInvincible Shield: Judas Priest can do no wrong, enough said.

Kerry KingFrom Hell I Rise: Even after all the success with Slayer, this album sounds like Kerry had something to prove. Awesome from start to finish.

The Black Dahlia MurderServitude: A great tribute to Trevor Strnad. Solid from start to finish. Brandon Ellis once again shows why he is one of the best guitarists in metal.

Devin TownsendPowerNerd: Like Ihsahn, Devin is a genius at blending musicianship and melody and applying it tastefully into the framework of metal.

Top 5 Concerts I Saw in 2024:

Exodus/Havok “The Battle of ‘24”

Machine Head/Orbit Culture “Slaughter the Martour”

Zakk Sabbath “Tour Forever/Forever Tour”

Sepultura/Obituary “Farewell Tour”

Cannibal Corpse/Amon Amarth/Obituary “Metal Crushes All Tour”’

Top 5 Riffs of 2024

Judas Priest “Trial By Fire”

Kerry King “Idle Hands”

Dream Theater “Night Terror”

Fit For An Autopsy “Hostage”

Soilwork “Spirit of No Return”

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