Guest “Best of 2024”: Kevin Day (Part-Time PR, Graduation Speech)

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2024” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Kevin Day created Part-Time PR nearly a decade ago. In that time he has represented some awesome acts like Kill LincolnHalf Past TwoSammy Kay and Omnigone. In addition to his work with Part-Time PR, Kevin also performs with Errth and Graduation Speech. As both an artist and an artist representative, Kevin has proven he has his finger firmly on the pulse of the music scene and was kind enough to share his favorites of 2024 with us here.
Part-Time PR Linktree

Best of 2024:
Wild Pink – Dulling the Horns: Since the moment that I listened to their self-titled album, I absolutely fell in love with this band and I always welcome new music from them. Dulling the Horns feels a bit more in line with the things that I loved on their debut but more refined and with a confidence that comes with being a band for almost a decade. There’s a layer of thick fuzz on everything that gives this album some muscle that previous releases haven’t had and, lyrically, it might be their best work yet. This has been on repeat for me since it was released. 

Bright Eyes – Five Dice, All Threes: I have a rocky relationship with Bright Eyes and Conor Oberst. I was in high school when they started to blow up, and I ignored them heavily. Aside from his solo album Ruminations (which is probably my favorite of his work) and I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning, I’ve found that his output has been hard to connect with. I could pick out songs on each release that are amazing, but as a whole, a lot of the albums don’t seem to stick with me. That is not the case with Five Dice, All Threes. I’m not exactly sure what it is about this album. Maybe the right place and right time, maybe the sense of tragedy that seems to be bubbling underneath, maybe the stellar musicianship…whatever it is, I find it magnetizing. 

The Blackburns – S/T:  This one totally blindsided me. The Blackburns know how to write a hook, and they do not let up. Fuzzed-out alt-rock that can certainly get the “90’s” tag, but one thing that makes it stand out is that, much like a lot of bands that popped off in the 90s, The Blackburns approach all of this with a tongue in cheek attitude and playfulness that makes it so easy to fall in love with. 

Hedge – Better Days: You might know Christopher from his work in The Young Leaves. If you don’t know them, do yourself a favor and go listen to Alive and Well. Hedge is sonically somewhere between Husker Du and Superchunk with a knack for writing highly melodic earworms that feel caked in dirt. Better Days is like digging up some old mixtape full of long-lost gems. An absolute monster of a debut. 

Broadcaster – Daylight: When I heard that my old friends in Broadcaster were releasing new music, I couldn’t believe it. There was a period in my life where I spent countless hours, days, weeks with these guys in a van, playing shows, and just hanging out. Their ability to write a simple pop song was something I always envied because they did it with such finesse and made it look so easy. Daylight picks up where they left off and all I can say is “WELCOME BACK, BOYS.” Endearing lyrics, big choruses, all killer and no filler. 

I wanted to give some love to other artists as well, so here’s some of my favorite songs of 2024 that aren’t from the list above:
1. Wild Pink – “Air Drumming Fix You”
2. Sailor Down – “Locals Night”
3. Yotam Ben Horin – “Translucid”
4. UgLi – “gho5tz”
5. Marathon States – “Bay Area Station”
6. Late Bloomer – “Birthday”
7. The Feeders – “Sara You’re My Savior”
8. Town Liar – “Game Night”
9. New Junk City – “Dr. Friendman”
10. Rutterkin – “Metamorphoses”
11. Heavy Lag – “Rats”
12. Show Me the Body – “Peace Corps”
13. Alkaline Trio – “Versions of You”
14. Waxahatchee – “Right Back to It”
15. Chuck Ragan – “Wild In Our Ways”
16. The Copyrights – “In there Somewhere”
17. Planes Mistaken for Stars – “Fix Me”
18. Karate – “Silence, Sound”
19. Drug Church – “Hey Listen”
20. American Thrills – “Fixer Upper”
21. The Magic Robin – “Springtime Rental Fee”
22. Gabe Hascall – “Happening in the Mirror” 

And of course, I have to bring some attention to all of the wonderful bands that I worked with through Part-Time PR this year. Here’s what you should check out:

1. The Kilograms – S/T 
2. States of NatureBrighter Than Before
3. Night WindowsIn Memories
4. Graduation SpeechArcane Feelings
5. Strategies – “Morning Shore”
6. Half Past TwoTalk Is Killing Me
7. Eat DefeatMy Money’s On Me
8. Joe GittlemanHold Up
9. Sammy KayJuly 1960
10. OmnigoneFeral
11. Massive Nightmares – S/T
12. BrackishRearview
13. Kill LincolnNo Normal
14. Early RiserBig Life
15. Sadlands – “Bandits”
16. Divided Heaven – “Living Funeral”

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