Guest “Best of 2024”: Sammy Kay

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2024” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

With an impressive 2024 that included a BRILLIANT solo album, July 1960 and co-creating and releasing a debut and follow-up from ska-punk supergroup The Kilograms, Sammy Kay has proven time and time again that he belongs at the forefront of the current scene. The self-proclaimed Andy Kauffman of folk punk, has shared some of his favorites of 2024 with TGEFM below.

Okay. I’m sorry, I’m late. I’ve been trying to sum up the year of accidently seeing Judas Priest twice. I’m not mad, they have sick flying Vs and motorcycles and shit. Hell yeah brother.

It’s been a wild year. I’m grateful to have been a part of 3 different full length releases, a 7″ and a 12″ EP. Busy as shit. On top of life. Anyway. 

My number one moment of the year was watching the kid dance “HOTTOGO” at Louisville pride. Chappel Roan was my number one top moment. One of the greatest live shows I’ve seen, band was on fire. It was a fly in, so no fancy stages. Just a couple of folks doing the thing, no notes. 10/10. 

My new favorite band is Soft Kill out of Chicago. Stumbled on it, listened to it a lot in the brief travels we did this year. Highly recommend their latest full length. Roll the windows down, enjoy the breeze. Trust me.

My personal moment of bliss was clocking out of work one day and walking across the field and seeing the Misfits with Danzig. What do you expect. I’m from fucking New Jersey. Liz said she’s “never seen me so happy”. She’s obviously never been to an all you can eat Chinese buffet with me. 

Tone zone. Okay. I’ll talk. My favorite pedal acquisition I got this year is the Benson Delay. It’s beyond solid. I put that shit on everything. Close second is any reverse delay with a tap tempo. I borrowed (aka stole) that EHX one from Danny from still alive and will return it eventually. I also borrowed grandpa Chad (price)’s Handwire AC30 and it’s a beast and I also don’t want to return it. 

I reconnected hard this year with Joe strummers later catalog. I think it’s still as epic as it was as it was coming out. I think Todd Farrell Jr put out a bunch of great songs, John Morelands most recent record got a lot of spins, and I remembered how great Arliss Nancy was. The Penske files new EP slaps. The live Lumineers record got a bunch of plays, heavy lag got played very loud. Sadlands is also a very cool in my book. Kat Pomeroy is real good. I like that wall of death cover, but I really love that coyotes song. Michigan rattlers also put out a really solid collections of songs. My dad would be mad at me if I didn’t include the last japandroids record, but he’s always mad at me, so I’ll give em an honorable mention. 

My what the fuck was I thinking moment? Y’all are gonna hate this. I listened to Leatherface for the first time honestly ever this year. They were never on my radar, I knew of them, but man. They rule. I’m dumb. You don’t have to tell me twice.

The record that I loved the most…. VOWS by hot water music
My partner got diagnosed with cancer, and we were finding out as this record came out. I would run back and forth from the hospitals and doctors to the house checking on the kid, figuring a plan, trying to be the rock they both deserved. This record got played a lot, late at night, at sunrise, 2 pm. 4 am. All day. On repeat for weeks. This was my rock. Every word felt like it was written for me. I heard every line exactly when I needed to hear it. It was my solace and hope. It was, and is, exactly what I need. Beyond grateful for these songs, and for this band being the soundtrack of the last 20 plus years.

Anyway, so good things this year. Look out for your fellow human being. Believe in something. Big love. 

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