Guest “Best of 2024”: Suburban Downgrade

Curious what notable personalities in the scene think was great this year? So is TGEFM! So we reached out to some of our favorite luminaries ranging from musicians, label personnel, and more for their “Best of 2024” lists. Now, listen: TGEFM is not a taskmistress. Contributors can write these out however they want. So if it doesn’t actually look or read like a list… and sometimes it really is just a list with no other observations! Who cares?

Suburban Downgrade are a killer trio from Northeast Pennsylvania with some of the best live shows going. The band personally impressed me with the way in which they foster the community. At this year’s Camp Punksylvania the three-piece was found at each and every set on the second stage dancing and showing out for the other bands. Now they’re showing out for their compatriots again as guitarist/vocalist Zach Spatz tells TGEFM about their favorites of 2024.

Zach here, to reflect on some of our favorites for 2024. Rather than making a list, I figured I would try to summarize some highlights of the year. Lists feel too uniformal and serious. Even the simple act of writing a set list makes my eye twitch. Quite alarming. Anywho, 2024 was pretty great for punk rock and underground music as a whole. Filled with some kick ass venues, kick ass bands with kick ass friends. One of the top shows for us, was amongst a smaller, but roaring crowd at HP Lovedraft’s in Harrisburg, with The Karens, Brand Bland, and another band that the name is unfortunately slipping my memory at the moment. But this show was the shit. The atmosphere of Lovedraft’s, the 3 story venue which felt like a large fun house, with even a 3rd hide away bar tucked away. This place was awesome, and the energy from each band and the audience was top tier. Another shining moment for favorite shows, was Nepa’s Spooky Summer at the Circle Driven, hosted by Bobby Keller, and Jess Meoni. Those homies know how to provide a great time, and formulate an amazing line up. Thanks to them, we got introduced to SOJI, and HOLY SHIT… FUCKING SOJI!!! Of course, this years’ Camp Punksylvania was amazing as always. With a new location, the Riot Squad crew achieved to make it feel like home! Camp Punksylvania, other than amazing memories, have also really gotten us in the loop with countless new friends, bands, promoters, and venues and have helped us with reach to new places and people, more than they probably realize. We appreciate them greatly, and all the thanks is necessary for all that they do every damn year. Remember what I said about lists? How the fuck do they do that!?


Some music that stuck out to me this year: Meanderthal, good God damn, their debut album is a thunderous, fast paced attack of positive, uplifting songs that pack a hell if a punch. I really admire their work ethic. In such a short amount of time, they’ve already kicked ass on a shit load of shows, and are quickly building an impressive catalog, and there’s going to be a lot more coming soon with those guys. The Karens I Hate Horror Punk EP stuck out in a big way with me. Swam’s lead vocals sound more vicious than ever before, with Bean’s backing vocals adding that extra punch. Another weapon they provided with this release was moving Joe to lead guitar and Dr. Chud joining the line up on drums. This combination has added a whole new level of bite on the studio, as well as at their shows. We got to play and hang out with them a few times more this year, than in the past, and is always a blast. Their work ethic is also one to deserve praise. Love em, or hate em, they’re about to be a household name, and I think that is fucking fantastic. Old Daggers is kicking ass, they’re gonna keep doing that, I am sure of it. Owned by Assholes, they’re new stuff is gonna be great. Grampian’s debut full length they put out this year, was probably the most excited I was for the metal genre, and they killed it. Hub City StompersDrinking Rage may take the cake for my favorite of the year. I had no idea they were even putting out a new album, so that just slapped me in the face with happiness and aggression. Other than music, one show i really enjoyed was “Hysteria”. I dont watch a lot of shows, but this one stuck out. The premises has been done many times, about a band using a Satanic gimmick to get recognition, and getting out of hand. Although this has been done a lot, this show was a lot of fun, and with Bruce Campbell taking a lead roll as the Detective, the show was funny, gory, and not a slow moment in it. Another shout out to an amazing group of entertainers and artists, is to Smash Masters Wrasslin’ out of the Nepa area. Their DIY ethic is punk as fuck and they are great at their craft. Definitely check them out if you wanna see some fun as hell, violent, bloody wrestling. I think that about does it… I’m sure I’ll think of more later and feel like a douche for not including some. But these moments made our year a lot of fun. Thanks for having us! We’ll see ya soon!

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