Happy Campers: A Camp Punksylvania Interview with Venomous Pinks

Grab your s’mores, your bug spray, a shot of Malort and pack your bags as Riot Squad Media is returning to Northeast Pennsylvania to take over the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert, PA with Camp Punksylvania! The 3-day festival with multiple stages and amazing national and local acts like 7 SecondsThe BronxLess Than Jake, will take place from 5 July until 7 July tickets are available here. Drea Doll of has joined TGEFM to discuss this year’s festival for the latest installment of our Camp-centric interview series: Happy Campers. Check it out below and I’ll see you at the campfire!

Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview! You are gearing up for in the coming months, what does the festival circuit mean to artists like yourselves?

Festivals are great for a smaller band like us since we get to play in front of crowds who wouldn’t necessarily catch our set. 

What do The Venomous Pinks have planned for us beyond Camp Punksylvania? 

We are writing our next album, playing a couple of one off shows through July. 

What have been some of the most memorable moments or experiences with the band so far? What’s been the most unexpected? The weirdest? 

Too many to name but playing the Bernie Sanders rally in Phoenix in 2020 was unforgettable, getting asked to be in the Punk Rock Museum, doing a Europe tour with our besties BadCop/BadCop, playing a sold out show in St. Petersburg, FL opening for the Dead Kennedys. Recording our first record with producer, Cameron Webb. 

Regarding live sets, what are you most excited to bring to the Camp Punk audience? What do you want the campers to say about your set when they write home from camp this year?

Hopefully they feel inspired to go start their own band or feel motivated to speak their truth. 

We’ve all got a few, what is your biggest regret? A gig you turned down, advice you didn’t take, what one thing do you wish you handled differently as a musician? 

One time we had to turn down an opening slot for Alkaline Trio and that was such a bummer. We definitely follow our gut instincts about people and “opportunities” that are presented to us. 

Many of the Camp Punx artists have not been afraid to get political, and Venomous Pinks are certainly no different.  If you had told me a decade ago we’d be looking at a campaign trail made up of a pair of clueless octogenarians set to a backdrop of convictions, foreign wars and record profits  I’d have told you there’s no way things could get so bleak…but here we are and it turns out you’d have been underselling the shit show happening inside the dumpster fire of American Government. How is the already absurd presidential race and performative Legislation playing into your writing, the live experience and your mental health?  

The current state of affairs from both parties has been completely disappointing and disgusting. The negligence of our nation supporting the people of Gaza when it is needed the most is heartbreaking. Our drummer’s family is from Palestine so of course this is something that hits close to us. Cassie asked if she could say something during our set at every show and we didn’t hesitate to support her in using this platform we have. 

What advice do you have for the up-and-coming acts at Camp Punksylvania?

Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to some of the bigger bands back stage, canvas the crowd by handing out stickers with a QR code to your music, spend time at your merch table to meet new fans! 

Your involvement in The Sidewalk Project, your lyrics… everything about The Venomous Pinks seems to be about helping improve the lives of those around you.  What do you suggest to your listeners trying to get more involved?  What resources would you recommend for people looking to make their scene or community better?  

Start googling non profits in your area that need help – think about what inspires you to want to make a difference and go from there.  If you can afford it, put together small kits and go out on the weekend to hand them out to the houseless community. Pick up a book and read “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” (A Toltec Wisdom Book) by Don Miguel Ruiz OR “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude” BY Napoleon Hill 

If Punksylvania were a real camp, what activities are each of you leading?

Drea – ghost stories by campfire 
Gaby – class on how to make cool jumps on stage 
Cassie – lifeguard / swimming lessons 

Let’s pretend there’s some post show jam sessions… What song are you performing around the campfire this year? 

“Goodbye Horses” – Q Lazzarus

Camp Punksylvania is a smorgasbord of fantastic acts. Which bands are you most excited to see? 

Skating Polly, Poli Van Dam, Racist Kramer, Whiskey Bats

Was there anything I missed that you’d like to share or dive deeper into with our readers?

No mas muertes
No Borders, No Nations, Stop deportation 

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