Hike The Peak drop lyric video for “Resilience”

is one of my favorite things. I’m not lying. This project by UK musician Lee Byatt is a great example of how punk (and melodic punk) can cross the globe, by bringing in members of other acts to coordinate, compose, and then sing on songs from afar.

The band now has a lyric video for their recent song “Resilience.” This one is from the Jul 2023 release Fly, and features ‘s Alberto Peris on lead vocals, and ‘s Loic Cormery for backing vocals. Our world keeps getting closer and closer to each other and Hike The Peak are totally using that to put out great, and exciting, collaborations.

Hit up the video below and, underneath, listen to Fly, the newest two-song release in Hike The Peak’s phase two.

Bandcamp (name-your-price download)

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