Ed, aka- Bad Dad, is a Jersey boy (the good kind, not like Jersey Shore) who’s been on the periphery of the New Jersey scene, and punk in general, for over twenty years. He used to base his worth on which bands he saw at hall shows for under $10, now he measures himself through the eyes of his 13 & 8 year old daughters.
2020 sucked a bunch, so optimism was at a high level for 2021; new POTUS, vaccine availability, the light at the end of the new normal tunnel was in our grasp. Personally, 2021 was fantastic, minus us closing out the year with 3 of the 4 in our house getting a case of post-Christmas COVID. I started a new job that’s afforded me more time with my family, my wife gave me the greatest Christmas gift possible and we had the chance to see Straylight Run perform our wedding song live. Our daughters continued to thrive as our oldest crushed Middle School and earned high honor roll in every semester from January through December, while our youngest excelled in school and earned her first medals of her young swim career. Then again, there was the whole, uh, fucking everything on earth. Instead of progress, we got the Manchin that stole Christmas (and any other positive legislation), assaults on reproductive freedoms, attacks on LGBTQ liberties, strikes against voter rights, incessant bleating of “Let’s Go Brandon” and, of course, the continued research from morons that can’t tell the difference between here and hear but somehow became experts on Constitutional Law and virology. Holy fuck, what a letdown it all turned out to be. So for 2021, I tried to put together by a best of, but kept getting stuck on the other abominations rational and reasonably intelligent folks had to endure.
Best Cup of Coffee Podcast: What a Day

As 2021 has been fraught with treason, anti-science, attacks on women’s rights, trans rights, civil rights and voting rights, the news has been terribly depressing. Luckily, every morning I’ve found a way to catch up on the latest trash fires with What A Day. I wake up every morning and get to listen to an extremely empathetic and intelligently produced rundown of what is going on every weekday thanks to What a Day. More importantly, I feel comfortable listening to it with my 8 and 13 year old daughters, with its diverse voices and humor and heart, we can get ready for our work or school days and keep up with the world, without the anxiety and existential dread that other outlets provide.
Best Warped Era Throwback Record: The Seafloor Cinema – In Cinemascope With Stereophonic Sound

Grab your flux capacitors and travel back in time to the moment when music was still about being seen and heard, not scene and herd. The Seafloor Cinema allows us to indulge our nostalgia with a fantastic album brimming with early 00s vibes (right down to the absurdly long-winded song titles) This 40-year-old can’t imagine a world where you wouldn’t love the piss out of these new-school throwbacks.
Best Blazing Badassery: Teenage Bigfoot – Weapons Against Darkness

There’s no easy way to describe Teenage Bigfoot,and that’s probably because they don’t fit in any solitary box. The Philly trio (featuring TGEFM’s Tiffa Vigilante) mixes unctions and potions pulled from melodic hardcore, skate punk and riot-grrl stirred in a cauldron of their design at a blistering pace. The three-piece have created a fullness of sound that many quintets struggle to master, and they do it on every song without any missteps.
Best Album To Combat Uncertainty: Latewaves – Hell To Pay

Latewaves have pulled the proverbial rabbit from its hat on debut full length Hell To Pay proving both optimistic and cathartic. They slap their anxiety across the face, saying “fuck you” and “it gets better” without seeming contradictive or pandering. The entire album is fraught with lyrics that I would’ve connected as I struggled to find my identity as young teen, as I faced off with my own self-doubt as a first-time parent in my 20’s or even now as I begin to face the onset of a midlife crisis, and Latewaves would make all of these insecurities easier to coexist with had I known this record at any of those times.
Worst Experience For Plastic Patriots: Joe Rogan Makes Any Meathead With a Microphone A Podcaster

I like Joe Rogan, he’s a great MMA announcer and a decent comedian. What he’s not is a doctor, no matter how many shitbirds he’s convinced to take his opinion as fact. In 2020, comedian Sara Schaefer tweeted the shockingly poignant question, “Joe Rogen is Gwyneth Paltrow for men?” The same way Gwyneth Paltrow appeals to insecure women despite her beauty, Joe Rogan panders to a sub-simian crowd without dumbing himself down… and in doing so he has convinced a number COVIDiots they are experts. Somehow Rogan’s ability to captivate has launched hundreds of podcasts from half-wits who have convinced themselves they are real Americans doing everything for America support whilst driving a Toyota, covered in Japanese tattoos, training in Brazilian martial arts and grilling on a “Made in China” Traeger in their Colonial Flag hat, hecho en Mexico.
Best Triumphant Return Of An ECHC Original: No Escape – Selective Punches: A Collection of Ballads and Battle Hymns

A fucking master class in East Coast hardcore ethos taught by a few of the profesors emeriti. No Escape put out the best late 90’s Jersey hardcore record of 2021 and there isn’t even a close second. Without feeling dated or past their expiration, the Jersey crew have created a fresh brand of retro and I, for one, am fully fucking stoked on the re-emergence of a genre I thought I aged out of.
Best Album Showcasing A Human Being A Good Human: Jonah Matranga – PSONGS

To hear Jonah Matranga is to love him. Matranga has been crafting emotional tunes for 30 years already, and one would think the proverbial well is bound to run dry… but it hasn’t yet. As an unquestionable and inimitable scene pioneer Jonah is probably among your favorite songwriters’ favorite songwriters. Jonah Matranga is a troubadour of our times, our scene. The man has consistently and without fail inspired and impressed his community of friends and fans. The content and character of the music he has released over the last 4 decades builds a relationship, the greatest gift of Jonah’s music is the connection he develops, turning his fans into family.
Best Album of Family, Fatherhood and Adulting: Dave Hause – Blood Harmony

Philly’s punk-bred troubadour examines fatherhood and aging without needing to switch his Vans for New Balance. For fans of honest, brave and raw lyricism with nostalgia and folk overlays. There’s a twang despite the Northeastern influence that can turn off some listeners who struggle to hear the difference between Americana and Country but it’s a delectable treat for a discerning ear.
Best Evidence Saying Prayers & Taking Vitamins Does a Punk Good: Von Erichs – First Blood Match

A super catchy Ramones-core record all about the golden era of professional wrestling? And its fantastic? And they got Jerry “The King” Lawler to do an intro on the record? And we get to hear the Mega Powers exploding from Miss Elizabeth’s perspective? And two, yes TWO, tracks dedicated to Barry Darsow?! Get your giant foam fingers ready, say your prayers, take your vitamins and watch the cream rise to the top, ooh yeah. Woooooo!
Worst Sign That American Justice Has a Long Way To Go: Guilty Verdicts In The Deaths of George Floyd & Ahmaud Arbery

I know, I know. Referring to these guilty verdicts as among the worst things this year sounds real fucking shitty… that’s because it is fucking shitty that we are celebrating justice because we are so used to it not existing. Wouldn’t it be an amazing world where a cop who kneels on a man’s neck for 8 minutes over $20, on camera, is an open and shut case. Where a video showing 2 men shooting a man because they were afraid that he went for a jog is damning evidence and nobody waits for a verdict with anything resembling uncertainty. Sadly, the excitement that came out of the Chauvin and Arberry trials proves we are not there yet. We are still, sadly, disturbingly excited when the justice system is just… and there’s no other word for it than disgusting.
Best Bubble Gum EP: Lauran Hibberd – Goober

Self-deprecating slack-pop toeing the line between Wheatus & Kate Nash, while managing a humorous originality. This record is for those of us always in the mood for adorably self-aware lyrics and radio-friendly musicianship. Be prepared for when those “come hither” glances are chased by “fuck yourself” bite, because thats really what makes Hibberd so unique and wonderful.
Best Nail Gun Directly To The Groin of Toxic Masculinity: VIAL – Loudmouth

A sensational post-riot kick in the dick, that’s all the fun, piss and vinegar of Bratmobile updated for today’s audiences. If you get your macho briefs in a bunch over razor commercials, the phrase “toxic masculinity” or the genitalia on a child’s toy, you probably can’t handle this slice of joy but for those of us onboard with the aural assault, VIAL is a gift that keeps on giving with thoughtful lyricism and superior musicianship.
Best Rock Album Aimed At Tramps Like Us: The Petty Saints – Long Way Home

Sleeper contender for album of the decade, this one gets better and better with every listen. Long Way Home is focused on strong musicianship and perfectly crafted lyricism. Think Gaslight Anthem without Fallon’s gravelly vocals. There’s really no reason any rock fan would dislike this LP, it’s fun and fulfilling start to finish.
Best Film of 2021: Spider-Man: No Way Home

Granted, I believe I only saw four new films in 2021, but I absolutely enjoyed every moment of this film. As a kid growing up, I loved Spiderman. This movie made me feel like a kid again as I giddily cheered when Charlie Cox showed up as Matt Murdock or felt my heart sink a bit just before the moment Amazing Spiderman was able to save other Spiderman’s lady from a horrific fall. Fan service was at an absolute high in the film and every trope that makes the MCU so universally loved was on full display: the heart, humor, action, dialogue and cinematic excellence were all front and center. It was near perfect. I say near because I’m sure I could complain about certain characters not returning, but that’s because I’m a miserable nerd. This ranks up at the top of Marvel films alongside Infinity War, Endgame and Guardians.
Worst Canonization of a Child For Political Gain: Kyle Rittenhouse

I don’t really know how I feel about the actual trial. The decision was controversial, but honestly, I don’t think the jury could make the right decision because there isn’t one. The little pissant shouldn’t have been where he was with what he was carrying but once he got to the scene, I think it would be equally dangerous to try to undercut self-defense laws in the US. Regardless of the decision though, a large portion of America came off looking lower than anyone should be willing to accept by cheering for a child who killed multiple people. We had congress people arguing over which one was going to hire him not over his principle or intelligence or any actual credentials other than the fact that he can pull a trigger while backpedaling. This is who we have become and if that makes you proud to be an American, it also makes you a disgusting piece of shit.
Best Jersey Basement Record To Be Made By Germans: Duchamp – Slingshot Anthems

Duchamp dropped an abso-fucking-lutely brilliant East Coast posi record, especially surprising since its from a German supergroup (members of The Donots, Waterdown and Pale). Named after my favorite Corey Feldman character with guest spots from members of Kid Dynamite, Be Well, Dag Nasty and Descendents, this album is the throwback of the year. Every track is a theme song for a new New Brunswick basement show.
Best Thing I Forgot How Much I Needed: Venues reopening.. at least for now

I attended 0 live performances in 2017 and 2019, but when a worldwide shutdown told me I could not go to a concert I hadn’t bought tickets for I was pissed. Now, as vaccinations, research and safety guidelines allow for bands to begin touring, I am not going to miss out. I’ve bought as many tickets in the last 2 months than I had in the previous 5 years. The idea of sweaty basements, overcrowded pits and dog-pile singalongs hasn’t been this appealing to me since 2004. I hope I don’t forget the excitement and anticipation of singing along shoulder to shoulder with a family of strangers ever again. While Omicron threatens to shut down the industry once again, the “we’ll catch ’em on the next tour” thought process isn’t one we can not afford. Get out there now and support whatever scene you can!
Best Summer Fun Surf Pop Blast Of Joy: L.A. Exes – Get Some

L.A. Exes is a brilliant blend of sun and fun, laced with sex positive lyrics and a dash of the uncomfortability of sand in your swim suit. These women seem to love to have fun with, and at the expense of their partners in the past, present and imagined. I think the easy word to use to describe this record is “FUN”… but fun is really an absolute understatement… I just can’t think of a stronger word for the merry-making upon which this four-piece is putting to the digital version of wax. Get Some is the after-hours soundtrack to a suburban swinger pool party. The melodies and harmonies are calm and beautiful enough to not draw the attention of your neighbors but those lyrics will catch the ears and libidos of the intended attendees.
Best Ass-Shaking Hardcore Brain Melter: Turnstile – GLOW ON

Genre defying masterpiece that expertly blends the pit into the dancefloor. If you’re the type who always wanted to be a dancer but couldn’t get the shit off your shoes, Glow On will hit the spot. (Thanks, Hank). Some people dont have a strong enough cerebellum for dancy-hardcore but for anyone who doesn’t mind a little shimmy to go with their floor punch, Turnstile deliver in a way thats original and brilliant.
Worst Case Of Karma Biting Your Own Ass: The GOP supporting the Leopards Eating Faces Party and crying victim when the big cats devour their nose

The old adage of “Be careful what you ask for, you just may get it,” has become a laughably ignored issue for the right in the US. The same party who championed a baker not serving someone because they don’t support gay marriage, is suddenly very salty that business owners can refuse service to people over vaccination status. That same party who has fought against body autonomy since Roe V Wade is not pleased that the federal government wants to limit choices about what’s inside their body. I am both intrigued and horrified by the next chain reaction these shitbirds create and then cry victimhood over.
Best Proof That Growing Older Isn’t A Death Knell: The Hold Steady – Open Door Policy

As The Hold Steady have made a name for themselves over the last few decades, they’ve always maintained a bar-rock sound with a focus on the no-good-nicks one is likely to meet at last call. That has not changed on the Open Door Policy, and it shouldn’t because it is what the band has always done so well. What has changed however, is The Hold Steady have become more adventurous than they were before, and Craig Finn’s storytelling has never been better (a lucky side effect of his solo songwriting). As the band has aged it became harder to realistically write about spending every night at the bar, there’s rarely time for that with soccer practice, the kid’s school concerts and waiting in the pickup line driving a minivan rather than a tour van, but the Open Door Policy seems to be the chockful of the stories you don’t bring up at the PTO meeting. A growth without a change in style, The Hold Steady have mastered the ability to live in the present without forgetting the past.
Best Podcast of 2021: New Jersey Is The World

There’s a lot of ignorant stereotypes about New Jersey and her denizens. We’re rude, we’re loud, the state is dirty, its corrupt, the armpit of America… and its all true, and you can go fuck yourself about it. Luckily, NJ comedian/connoisseur Chris Gethard has created the most hilarious and impressive podcast network, New Jersey is the World, with a few of his local buddies to expose the immaculate underbelly of this beautiful land. As hilarious as it can be when we hear about train station bathroom shenanigans or a breakdown of Jersey malls, there is also an interview with polarizing governor Phil Murphy and serious deep dives into the political machines throughout the state (George Norcross may be the Boss Tweed of this century). Jersey or not, you need to listen, if only to realize that SaltPepperKetchup is a real word, and hear about the mythical land of enchantment created by a sad bunch known as “Central Jersey.”
Best Pleasure That No Person Should Feel Guilty About: Olivia Rodrigo – Sour

I wish I could blame my daughters for the fact that Olivia Rodrigo was such a musical force for me this year. And last year I wished I could blame my daughters for how highly I regarded 2 Taylor Swift albums and a Carly Rae Jepsen b-side compilation. I’d be a liar if I gave them the credit. I may have pressed play on it once because they loved “driver’s license” and my wife suggested “brutal,” but realizing that “traitor” is the best song of the year or buying the Target exclusive blue-transparent vinyl with alternate artwork, well that was all me. I could also make excuses to rationalize how much I enjoy by reminding readers that she’s openly nicked song influences from Paramore and Elvis Costello, or that producer Dan Nigro has some serious indie cred based on his time in As Tall As Lions, but once again, there is no honesty to that either. The truth of the matter is, Sour is a brilliant album. I don’t mean a brilliant pop album, this is an outstanding record regardless of genre. Rodrigo has crafted the perfect soundtrack to a first heartbreak.
Best Of The Best, Album of 2021: The Dirty Nil – Fuck Art

The Dirty Nil blend arena-rock epicness while subtly blending punk, thrash and power into a pop-rock cocktail; halfway between the saccharine of a mimosa and the aggression of a molotov. I never expected to hear Slayer, The Cro-mags and Turnstile all referenced in a love song. This is the album Lloyd Dobbler should’ve played on his boombox outside Diane Court’s window because let’s be honest here Lloyd Dobbler isn’t listening to Peter god damn Gabriel. Releasing the album on 1 January, The Dirty Nil knew tough times weren’t over with 2020, but they weren’t afraid to try to delude themselves or us into thinking we were coming up on the finish. Fuck Art is brilliant, smart, funny and heartfelt… in other words it should have been healing in aural form, even if it took less than a week for a wholly predictable and completely unexpected shit storm to prove 2021 somehow would be worse that 2020.
Worst Symptoms Of Democracy Slow Death At The Hands Of The Feeble-Minded: Meal Team Six And Its Attack On Democracy

The day the Q-Tang Klan marched through Washington, broke into the US Capitol en masse, shit on the walls, beat cops with Blue Lives Matter flags, threatened to hang both the sitting Vice President and sitting Speaker of the House; and attempted to destroy the democratic fabric upon which the USA exists will likely be studied for centuries. The members of MAGAdeath scaling the wall, pretending they are modern-day freedom fighters, extolling the virtues of Fascism and sacrificing police and government to their golden cow (I guess he is more orange, but you get it) are a sobering reminder of how easily indoctrinated halfwit sycophants can be with promises proof at a later date and no plan to deliver.

Bad Dad (occasionally called Ed) has been on the periphery of the punk and punk-adjacent scene for over twenty years. While many contributors to this site have musical experience and talent, Ed’s musical claim to fame comes from his time in arguably the most punk rock Blockbuster Video district in NJ where he worked alongside members of Blanks 77, Best Hit TV and Brian Fallon. He is more than just an awful father to his 2 daughters, he is also a dreadful husband, a subpar writer, a terrible dresser and has a severe deficiency in all things talent… but hey, at least he’s self-aware, amirite?
Check out the pathetic attempts at photography on his insta at https://www.instagram.com/bad_dad_photography/