It’s “Kinda, Man” in new single/video from Devon Kay & the Solutions

‘ upcoming Fine: A Ska EP still doesn’t have a set release date other than the general “Summer 2023”. But we do have a new single and video from that album with “Kinda, Man”. The new track follows up the announcement single “Pump Fake”, with the EP due to be released by the crew.

You can check out the video below, and swing by this link page (which is technically for “Pump Fake”, but will get you to where you want to be) to grab a copy of the single and more. DK&TS also have a couple of dates lined up through the Midwest to close out this month. You can find info on those underneath the video.

p.s.- yes, we know there’s now a 7th member of DK&TS, but we don’t have a usable photo yet. No slight intended.

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