It’s Not A Dream (Again)- tiffavigilante’s best of 2021

Tiffany Tavella (tiffavigilante) plays bass and sings for Teenage Bigfoot, who released “Weapons Against Darkness” this year via Bloated Kat Records. When she’s not writing music and being a band mom, she enjoys biking, writing poetry, cooking elaborate spicy meals, kissing cats, and getting sniped by 10 year olds on Fortnite.

What a year huh? Somehow, 2021 felt like the more strange year as we all “WTF’d” our way through 8 months or so of feigned normalcy, doing the best that we can to take care of each other all while resuming the things we used to enjoy without much thought before. As the new variants threaten to put a halt to yet another year, let’s take a look back at the jams that got us through yet another weird one and shined a glimmer of hope on what talent we can expect in 2022.


#5 Jodie Faster- (In)complete Discography (Dead Invoices Records)


She’s hot, she’s angry, and she’s unapologetically fast. (Lille, France) sweep through breakneck speeds with impossible ease, so don’t expect a breather in this 9-track tour de force-you-outta-your-position-of-power. Politically charged and fast as lightning, feel the electricity of Jodie Faster and do try to keep up, won’t you?

Favorite Tracks: “Fist Up, Hearts with Fingers!,” Red Bricks, Grey Sky

#4 Cluttered – Accidents (Bloated Kat Records)


When you think of a super group, there’s an expectation of what the combined sound will be given the featured members, especially in the world of pop punk & dirt pop, however Cluttered manages to exceed all expectations and it’s no accident! This EP packs a punch and a warm hug, a hip check and a high five. With each song churning up a sense of urgency, a want to go and move, to do and be better, this EP is 10 minutes of pure raw energy delivered with precision and intention–it’s meant to stick with you.

Favorite Track: “Don’t Hold Your Breath

#3 Maisonette – Panic Earth


Old fogies like me who grew up with the Golden Era of punk/pop punk are really struggling with defining this new generation of pop punk but bands like allow me to shut up and surrender to my self projected disconnect between time and the sound. This is the future of pop punk: influenced by the greats, but defined by its own style. The vocalist isn’t attempting to mimic anyone and neither are the chord exchanges and phrases. In a sea of pop punk repro’s, this EP was truly refreshing.

Favorite Track: “My Tired Brain”

#2 Abi Ooze – R.I.P. (Ketchup & Mustard Records)


Speaking of refreshing, have you heard the new EP? If you thought you have heard it all this year, if you’re sick of seeing “RIYL: riot grrl, bikini kill” on every “female-fronted” band description, the RIP EP is for you. Raw, edgy, heavily pop influenced without all the saccharine, this EP gets you out of your seat, makes you want to throw open the windows, and blast the house with sun and sound while dancing all around from the floor to the ceiling. Feel good EP of the year, for sure!

Favorite Track: “IDW”

#1 Eve 6 – Grim Value (Velocity Records)


Ok so if you told me last year my favorite EP of 2021 would be by , I’d hit ya with a “yeah right!” that’d boomerang you ’round the sun. An ex, a close friend whose musical taste I still respect, sent me a link to the track “I Wanna Bite Your Face” and said “You absolutely have to hear this” and then I couldn’t stop listening to it! If your’re on leftist twitter, you’re aware of “eve6 guy” as a charming personality who relishes in “heart in a blender!!!” jokes and as a master troll of right-wing shitposters. This isn’t just another cash grab for *Online* millennials looking to reminiscence in that feel good alt-rock radio vibes of the late 90s. These songs are quick, quick-witted, punchy, fresh to new ears and gussied up with the noted influences from the days of yore that tickle the old fogies like me.

Favorite Track: “Angel of the Supermarket”


#5 Soft Jocks – Sinking Dingers (Elephant Arch Records)


crossed my path sometime last year and something about them really stuck with me. Cleverly arranged garage/dirt pop, with influences rooted in punk but not stuck there, Sinking Dingers is just what this band does. If this band came out in the mid-90s, they’d absolutely be among the greats and on tour with Pavement probably. Somehow this band isn’t the biggest band in the world right now but I will peeping from ‘cross the pond to see where their musical journey takes them.

Favorite Tracks: “Trip to Venus,” Drive-Away Movie

#4 Viagra Boys – Welfare Jazz (Year0001)


So this is my first album. Admittedly, the name put me off for a long time and in a time where it appeared every European punk adjacent band was doing their best IDLES impression, I carelessly tossed this band in with the lot of ’em. The album title really grabbed me at first and when I saw the artwork I thought “Oh these guys just don’t give a fuck!” After hearing the first single, “Ain’t Nice,” I felt like the entire picture of Viagra Boys finally came into frame. It’s raw, it’s at times irreverent but more often honest and vulnerable in a way that doesn’t lend itself to toxic masculinity, and holy fuck is that refreshing. These guys seem like a great time. And the musicianship compliments if not enhances their over coolness!

Favorite Tracks: “Into the Sun,” “To The Country”

#3 Mikey Erg – S/T (Rad Girlfriend Records)


Nothing can stop the song writing machine that is Mikey Erg. The east coast powerhouse dropped ten new songs that I like to imagine he just woke up with in his head one day, kinda like Paul McCartney and the scrambled eggs lore preceding “Yesterday.” Effortless, timeless, and never once pretentious, Mikey Erg is a bard of the people.

Favorite Tracks: “Spin the Black Circle,” “Rumblestrip

#2 Jeff RosenstockS K A D R E A M (Polyvinyl Records)


Welp, did it again; two years in a row in my top 5 albums of the year, not to mention for the same album (practically!)! The SKA DREAM was alive and well in 2021 and it has been incredible watching the ska scene grow beyond the known heavy hitters who have had kids turned adults skanking since the late 90s. This album was made by folks who love ska in all its waves, tropes, hindrances, and homages. I loved how songs that hit me so deep in my heart last year could strike a new chord, suddenly becoming their own entity, no longer a song from NO DREAM, but now a fully fledged realized SKA DRE–ok I’ll shut up now. Jeff rules and everything he touches is gold.

Favorite Tracks: “Hornline,” “OldSKrAp”

#1 Parquet Courts – Sympathy for Life (Rough Trade Records)


Ok so every single person I talked to about this album was like “wow, are still around?” And the answer is, they never went anywhere! I first heard them in 2013 when their debut Light Up Gold… was released and instantly fell in love with their carefree, caffeine fueled groove but they just sort of fell off my personal radar for whatever reason. Visiting them again in 2021 and seeing numerous music critics calling this album a departure for the band, and I couldn’t disagree more. Parquet Courts never lost their groove. These songs are funky, thought-provoking, but not in a way that makes you want to resentfully see where these guys went to school. They are smart, funny, and impeccable musicians who I believe found the perfect balance between giving the folks something to dance to while not letting clever imagery get in the way of both the lyrics or a good time.

Favorite Tracks: “Marathon of Anger,”Just Shadows


Teenage Bigfoot Weapons Against Darkness () (c’mon!)
VIALLOUDMOUTH (Get Better Records)
The MuslimsFuck These Fucking Fascists (Epitaph)
Come CloserPretty Garbage (Pirates Press)

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