, a collective of Garden State musicians coming together to cover classic songs from the local punk, ska and hardcore scenes, has released their version of the super infectious “While The Iron Is Hot” by  off of 2000's The Price of Progression on Nitro Records.

This week, ‘s Geoff Towle (guitar), Agim Colaku (guitar) and Anthony Wille (drums) collaborated with ‘s Brian Burdzy (vocals) and Jake Egan (bass) to join Jersey Interchange mastermind Christian Lesperance (Never Again)for the cover track.

Colaku previously participated on the Jersey Interchange Folly vocalist Jon Tummillo, Joe Pulito (Slurp 37) and Patrick Tummillo (Right Turn Eddie) cover of Mohawk Barbie‘s Pink which can be heard heard here.

Previous Jersey Interchange collaborations feature members of BigwigMidtown, and The Ergs! among others covering the likes MisfitsWeston, and Lifetime.

Thanks to Joe Pulito, you can find many of the original tracks along with the entire discography of the Jersey Interchange at the ultra-expansive NJPP Archives here.

NJPP Archives · Geoff Towle / Anthony Wille / Brian Burdzy / Jake Egan – While The Iron Is Hot
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