“Kerajaan” single released as Sihir announce debut EP “Ular Akan Patuk”

International punk act (maybe or maybe not the Indonesian synth one*) will be releasing their debut… EP? LP?… Ular Akan Patuk on 05 Jul 2024 from La Vida Es En Bus Discos. It’s nine songs long but, apparently, clocks in at about 15 minutes. EP or LP? Your pick.

Anyhow, the band is made up of “punks from Colombia, Nusantara*, Spain and Sweden.”

With that announcement they’ve also released the first single from the album, “Kerajaan.” Have a listen below and, underneath, find some preorders links and the like.

Bandcamp (preorders on digital DL and vinyl)

*Nusantara is the new soon-to-be capital city of Indonesia, so there is a connection between the two acts, but “sihir” (or “sihr) is, at it’s most basic explanation, a word for dark or black magics in Islam. So as a band name, not unexpected for either a dark wave synth band, or a hc punk band with a member from a Muslim-majority country.

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