Post hardcore act La Dispute have (re?)released their 2019 album Panorama on blu-ray disk. This new version features audio specifically mixed for a 5.1 surround audio experience. All ten original tracks are remixed, and the blu-ray also included four music videos from the album.

You can check out the track listing below, and head over here to pick up a copy.

Panorama blu-ray tracklist:

  1. Rose Quartz
  2. Fulton Street I
  3. Fulton Street II
  4. Rhodonite And Grief
  5. Anxiety Panorama
  6. In Northern Michigan
  7. View From Our Dedroom Window
  8. Footsteps At The Pond
  9. There You Are (Hiding Place)
  10. You Ascendant

Music Videos:

Rose Quartz
Fulton Street I
Anxiety Panorama
Footsteps At The Pond

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